Friday, August 3, 2012

Look At Me!

For those of you who only read blogs through google reader, it's time for you to come out and actually see my page! 

I have a new look!

The fabulous and talented Meg O. is responsible for this look and I think it turned out great! She was so easy to work with and answered all of my nagging questions. She took the time to ask me questions, find out what I did/did not like and didn't stop working till I was completely satisfied. 

I think it turned out great. If you're looking for a new look then she's definitely your girl. 

You can find her blog here and all about her blog designing here 

I completely recommend her to everyone. In fact, I'm trying to get back on her wait list for another blog's design to be done! 


Lily said...

LOVE the new design!

JMJE said...

I noticed your new design the other day. It looks awesome.

Unknown said...

This looks fabulous!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Love the new look!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Looks great!!

Amber said...

I love your new look! Meg rocks!

Steph said...

I like it! Cute!

Sarah said...

Ooooh! I love the new look!!

Anonymous said...

Stopping in from Instagram! Love the new look, even if I don't know what the old one was LOL... You can find me at, :) Look forward to reading more.

Mary said...

Love it! So pretty!

Cole said...

Very nice!!! It looks wonderful!

tara said...

LOVE your new look! meg is so awesome!

Deidre said...

It looks fab! Well done.

Anonymous said...

missed reading your blog {was back in the hospital} I am out now.

I absolutely LOVE your design and I am so jealous it's not mine. <3

Shoshanah said...

I love the new design. It's so bright & colorful that it just feels inviting.

Nicole said...

She did a GREAT job! This is so you. & you totally dragged me out of my reader lol

A Life Un-Styled said...

Look at you! I love it! The colors are so you - happy and upbeat. It's a great new look xoxox

Candace said...

I love the new look! It fits you perfectly!

Unknown said...

I could tell you had a new look just from google reader. Your blog looks great.