I don't know how many of you watch the show or tuned in for the finale last night but wow!I had heard rumors (thanks to realitysteve) on who won. Sadly, he was correct. I was hoping the whole time he'd be wrong. Anyways, I've decided to dedicate this edition of Dear So & So to the show. Enjoy!
Dear Chris Harrison,
I love you, I really do. I'm one of your biggest cheerleaders. I think you have balls of steel but tell me the truth. Did you vomit in your mouth a little bit on the day Jake chose Vienna? or How about last night when they started sucking face right in front of you? Do you tune her out when she speaks to you?
Sincerely, still loving you.
Dear "On the Wings of Love" Song,
I never, ever, EVER want to hear you again. I thought I had finally escaped you as the montage of Vienna and Jake played in the season finale. However, you got me again on the After the Rose ceremony, where you actually had the balls to bring out the original guy to sing. Gag. If I would have had a fork handy, I would have stabbed my ears.
Sincerely, hate in the heart.
Dear Tenley,
No pun intended (ok maybe a little bit) but you are a 10! You showed more class last night than most people do their entire lives. If it would have been me, I would have either bitch slapped Jake or kicked him in the man parts. I don't know how you continued to smile and thank him while being sincere. You have class girl and don't worry, you'll find someone who really does appreciate you.
Sincerely, one of your newest fans
Dear Jake,
Congrats man. You chose Vienna much the surprise of the world. I hope you enjoy the maybe 6 months you guys last. Once you get to hang out on an everyday basis and she moves in (that you mentioned) I'm sure you'll be kicking yourself for picking someone so immature. Also, I caught the "It's not you, it's me" speech you gave Tenley on the boat. That was low class dude. Way low class.
Sincerely, good luck..
Dear Vienna,
Did you get work done on your face? Because at the ATFR ceremony you looked a little different in the face. You actually kinda looked less drag queeness. I guess now that you have Jake, you have someone who can take your weave out at night for you so that's a plus.
Sincerely, not a fan.