Yesterday something occurred which caused me to stop, smile, laugh and then over analyze the crap out of it.
Remember the last guy I talked about on my What Not to Say/Do on a Date segments? If not,
here is the story. Let's just say that after that "date", I had expected to never hear from him again. Well Monday afternoon rolls around and I hear my phone beep. I had a text message. I grab my phone and I see that it's him. Hmm... this is interesting.
He's asking me how my Christmas went.
Game. I play into whatever game is now started and tell him how my Christmas went. I'm not completely rude and I have no reason to hate the guy (I actually think he's pretty nice). I ask him how his holiday went and he tells me. Then he asks me if I'd like to hang out that night.
Say what?
I was working overtime that day so I tell him that I'm not getting off till the late evening and that if he wanted to hang out it couldn't be until later in the evening. He tells me that's fine and that I could just come over and hang out.
I agree to the time and place and tell him that I'll see him later that night.
Literally 2 hours later, I get another message from him telling me that he has to cancel. That something came up for work and that he has to travel two hours to get the problem fixed. He also tells me in the text that
maybe we can hang out when he gets back (not that night but another time).
At first I didn't think anything about it. So ok, maybe he was bored, lonely, whatever and wanted to have someone to hang out with and thought of me. Sure that's fine and honestly maybe something really did come up. BUT what if it was all a game? Maybe after our last hang out, the fact that I never called him, never texted him, never had any contact what so ever made him feel like he was off his game.
So now I started to wonder, did he ask me to hang out just to see if I'd say yes and really had no plans of us actually hanging out? Well if so, then I clap my hands to him that's a great
Game, Set, Match.