Monday, May 25, 2009

Yum! I'm eating a big plate of Crow!

Ok ok.......I admit it. I said that I couldn't stand the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I read the first one and was NOT impressed. I still stand by that comment. However, I have a lot of down time at work and someone had the second book so I read it. I don't know what happened but all of the sudden, it wasn't too terrible. I read it in 2 days. I'm now on the 3rd one and I'm almost finished. Before I go on my vacation (which starts Wednesday at 9:30am!) I need to go get book 4 because I only have about 20 more pages of Club Dead. 

For all you Sookie Stackhouse lovers out there, is the True Blood show any good?
I don't have HBO so I hate to go buy the whole first season and it blow.

Memorial Day's raining non stop. The family BBQ got postponed (to a day I'll be out of town) and I worked for 8 hours. FUN TIMES! BUT for me it always means Summer is here!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I found the cutest award and it fits perfectly for me to give out! It's the: "Mender of the Broken Hearts Award" 

First, let me state that ALL of you are amazing and fabulous and always give me the greatest advice ever! With that being said, I've chosen the following bloggers...

1. Mrs.GiJoe - This woman is amazing! She's a military wife, she has an amazing blog, she's funny and goes above and beyond in the advice department!

2. NoGuamNoGlory- Over at OurGuamazing Adventure. This woman is hilarious! She runs, she bikes, she travels and is going through a deployment. Yet she does nothing but smile and look amazing in every photo (so jealous of the photogenic-ness)! I love reading her blog, she always have the funniest stories and great pictures to back them up.

3. SweetTea1 - Over at A Sweetheart & A Soldier. Countless, countless emails and instant messages later....we've kept each other sane. This girl is awesome and can handle every thing thrown at her in an amazing fashion. 

4. ShoshanahG - Over at From L.A. to L.A. - This lady gives out some of the greatest food tips and recipes ever! She has great taste in movies as well. She also gives out great relationship advice and seems to be living an amazing life! She thrives!

5. Karie - Over at Being the Wife of a Wounded Marine- This woman has been through the worst situations imaginable. She knows what it's like to have been faced with your worst fears. She gives great advice, listens and even has a sense of humor through all of it. Check out her blog! She's awesome!

6. Jon & Steph - Over at Adventures of Jon and Steph.- They always seem to be having a great time! They travel NON stop and currently live overseas. She gives out great words of wisdom and always seems to see the positive side to any situation. Check out her blog, she also never fails to have amazing photos and stories of her travels. 

Thank you to every single one of my blogger buddies! You help me sooooo much!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The next 5 days are torture.

I have 5 more days till I leave for North Carolina. As soon as I leave from work on Wednesday, I'm literally getting straight in the car and driving there. The closer and closer it gets, I've found myself becoming more nervous that something is going to go wrong. *Crossing fingers that everything works out* PLEASE!

What am I doing for Memorial Day Weekend? Working. I work everyday till I leave. I'm a little sad about this because my family always does a huge cookout and get together and I'll miss it. At least I'll get holiday pay. I hope everyone enjoys their 3 day weekend!

Is it just me or is there nothing on tv now that all the good shows have done their finales!??! I mean yes we have the Real Housewives of N.J. (which I was correct in my earlier statement of they will cut a bitch) and we also have the Bachelorette! Those are about the only two shows for the summer until Big Brother! 

What are you watching?

PS: I finished Living Dead in Dallas (the 2nd Sookie Stackhouse book). I wasn't impressed with the first one but I have to say they are growing on me...I went and got the 3rd book today.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Theater Thursday

Wow! It's Thursday already?!? That means it's Theater Thursday! 

This week we're looking at The Negotiator
If you haven't seen this movie, grab your keys. Lock the dog up and drive to the nearest store and buy this movie. The Negotiator is one of the best drama/cop movies of the late 90's/early 2000's. 

Kevin Spacey & Samuel L. Jackson did an awesome job. I love both of them so seeing them together on the big screen was great. Basically, this movie takes place in Chicago, IL. Samuel L. Jackson plays a Chicago negotiator who is thrown under suspicion for crimes he claims he did not commit. Kevin Spacey gets called in to negotiate, the negotiator's hostile situation. It's gripping and moving This movie is not a comedy so be warned. If your not in the best emotional place then avoid this movie at all cost! Haha!

The countdown is still progressing, less than a week to go! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I might be the silliest girl on the planet.

I knew this was going to be an emotional day. I knew it! 

I'm sitting, watching American Idol (who isn't?!?) SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched yet then STOP reading!

Kris wins right and if you kept watching after his song you saw his wife come up and hug him. He started crying and was holding her so tight. In that instant, I literally started sobbing. I'm still crying even. I don't know what is going on with me!?!?!  Seeing them embrace like that seriously set me off on an emotional break down. I am not a crier. 

I literally have one week till I'm going out of town. This time next week I'll be there!!!! Then it becomes the waiting game, holding my phone in hand where ever I go, waiting for the call to tell me I need to go pick up. Seriously. I'm so ready for him to get here! Words can't even describe it. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm getting more and more excited to see him everyday. I hope he's feeling the same way I am. I really do. 

Tomorrow, it's back to the grindstone! I get to go in late tomorrow at 11am instead of my usual 4:30 am! Sweeeeeet!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Predictions, Superstars & truly crazy shenanigans!

Today I was on a mission. I went out and got ALL of my errands done. Now all I have to do is laundry, find my suitcase and start packing. Some of you may be thinking, "Why is she packing so early when she doesn't leave till next Wednesday?" That's because starting this Wednesday I work everyday till the day I leave, including the day I actually leave on. 

While I was out getting everything done I stopped at Barnes & Noble and who do I see?? None other than Mrs.GiJoe. How do you ask since she lives in GA and I'm currently in WV? That's because I picked up the magazine Military Spouse and there she was! (If I recall, she did a post on this subject).

I don't know how many of you watch Dancing With The Stars (DWTS) but I'm rooting for Shawn and Mark. I think there's just wayyyy too much hype on Gilles (yes we saw his penis in SATC but he's really not that great of a dancer) and Melissa (yes she got her heart broken on the bachelor and is a good dancer but she had TONS of training in dance before the show).
I voted for them...

Now, on to my crazy shenanigans of the day. I have a friend who owns a book store. The store is undergoing some remodeling and I was asked to help out with moving things around, etc. I agreed because hello, that's what friends do for each other. As we were clearing things out we found a life size stand of Elvis. That's right, I said in the King of Rock and Roll. I LOVE him. far my favorite movie of his. Well I couldn't resist. 
(Please don't judge my outfit. I promise I don't normally dress skanky. I was moving boxes!)

Hope you're all having a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Mecca of Skanks

Once I left work today I was on a mission. I have a crazy schedule this week and I'm off on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by 7 days of work. This means I need to get a ton of things done before Thursday. The first stop was the DMV. 

I walk in this place and I instantly realized that this was the mecca for skanky people. It was literally the mother ship calling them home. The place probably had at least 75 people in there sitting and waiting. Out of the 75, I'd say maybe 5 (including myself) people, had on clean clothing, with no holes and combed hair. I mean really...these people looked like they had come out of the wood work. Was it this bad there 5 years ago when I went to renew my license then?!?!?

Since my last post, I've decided...drumroll go to North Carolina. No matter what may or may not happen, things will either get straightened out or I'll get closure. So it's a win/win situation. I do however, appreciate every single comment and email that I got regarding the situation. It helped me so much yesterday when I was upset. 

PS: I have so much to do and get done before I leave next Wednesday for NC.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Weekend...

Friday, I wondered how the weekend was going to go because it wasn't starting too hot that day. Well, the weekend got better...thank goodness! 

Friday night after dinner I went with a friend to see Angels and Demons. I loved the Da Vinci Code so I was really excited to see it! I thought it was good but not great. I still have not read either book, so when the end of the movie came, I was completely caught off guard. I was really surprised and since I'm a major movie fan I was pretty excited about that. 

Today, I went on a shopping spree since I got paid last night (direct deposit is amazing). Before I go into my awesome shopping spree, I want to discuss payroll. Does anyone who gets paid every two weeks get annoyed by that fact? I work for the government, we get paid every two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love getting a paycheck but I just wish I could get one every week instead of every two. 

Now, onto my shopping spree. I shopped for a grand total of 5 hours. I bought a great new Garmin Nuvi GPS system. I love it! 
I also bought an adorable summer Roxy dress. I had seen this dress before at the price of 50.00 dollars. I was like, "Hmm, I think that dress is adorable but I don't know if it's worth that much." So I kept passing it by, well today it was on sale for 19.99 and don't think I just walked by this time! It's a cell phone photo so it doesn't do it justice!

So far, it's been a decent weekend! If the rain would stop it would be even better. I mean really, I'm starting to feel like I'm living in Seattle! Tomorrow, I'll probably veg out and do nothing because come Monday morning, I've got to be at work sunshine early (technically the sun is still down and it's dark outside lol) at 4:30 am! Fun times!

PS: I heard from sweets today, for the first time in days. Apparently, they did his eval. He told me that he got the greatest evaluation he's ever got in his entire military career. He told me that if he decides to stay in that it'll open up more doors for senior officer positions. So congrats to him!

PPS: I also gave in and bought the 2nd Sookie Stackhouse book. Living Dead in Dallas. I'm going to give it a try. In the first book the country twag kind of annoyed me. Maybe it'll get better. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

SO it's going to be THAT kind of a day

I thought today was going to be a great day since I don't have to be at work till 1:00pm. Wrong
-I wanted to sleep in. My eyes popped open at 7am.
-I got in the shower and washed my hair. The power went out as I was mid blow dry session.
-I'm going to the movies tonight & since the movie starts a 9:50 & I work till 9:30 I wanted to get my tickets this morning. I drive to the theater. The box office was CLOSED.
-I wanted to eat a hot breakfast because I haven't for the past 5 mornings. No electric range. 

Seriously, I was Lt. Dan this morning from the shrimp boat scene in Forrest Gump. The scene where the giant storm comes and Lt. Dan is swinging from the top of the boat screaming at the heavens. 

Pray that the rest of my day gets better and that the movie is awesome. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Theater Thursday

That's right folks, it's that time again. Theather Thursday is here! This week we're looking at I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry!

Before we get into the movie (hilarious by the way). I would like to say that I don't care what your personal beliefs are when it comes to homosexual relationships. I chose this movie because I personally like it. Plus it's my blog and I can do what I want. Ha.

This movie follows Chuck and Larry (James and Sandler), who are NYC fire fighters. After an accident happens Kevin James' character wonders who would take care of his kids if he died and who would receive his pension. His best friend (Sandler), owes him a favor....and oh boy is it a favor!

If you need a good laugh then this movie is a must! When I first watched it I laughed for so long my sides ached afterwards. I still laugh when I see this movie. If you haven't watched it, then check it out. I promise you won't be disappointed. 

Does anyone ever watch the movies I talk about on Theater Thursday?? Haha!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quantum Cheating


"Someone's definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat."- Sex and the City.

Ladies, I come to you today with the question: What constitutes cheating? What's your definition of cheating? What do you believe to be a sign of cheating? 

I'm turning 25 years old in June and for the life of me I still can't and don't understand why people cheat on their girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse. I mean really! If you feel emotionally or physically attracted enough to the point where you want to be with them...then leave the person you're currently with. Cheating only creates a tangled web, it always ends up hurting at least one person and in the end it will come out. It cannot be kept hidden forever. 

(Ps: this photo should have been under the word "stalking" or "flipped out, crazy psycho girlfriend")

Monday, May 11, 2009

Montizuma's Revenge

...and I didn't even get to go to Mexico. (Tmi, I know). I woke up so sick today, I had to call into work. I HATE that! I never call in. I'm usually the person who goes to work, vomits and has to get sent home. Aw, I'm sorry work buddies. I'll be back tomorrow I promise. 

Ok, I have a confession to make. I'm addicted to reality television, especially The Bachelor and the Bachelorette.
I'm so excited for the new season of the bachelorette with Jillian starting in a week, I think. Jason was such a tool!

 I'm also excited for The Real Housewives of New Jersey. These women scare me!

No joke. I think these women would cut a bitch and not think twice about it....

Is anyone else addicted to a reality show?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Mirror Has Two Faces

Happy Mothers Day Mom!!! & to all the wonderful ladies who have children! I think your job is probably the most under appreciated, no pay, self-less job out there! Enjoy your day!

Mama & I

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Live Long & Prosper

That's right last night I got drug out after a hard, long day at work to see the new Star Trek movie. Have I ever seen any of the others? No. Do I want to? Not really....
However the movie was actually pretty good and comical. I could tell they tried to make it funny in spots for all the girls who got pulled out to see this with their friends and boyfriends. 

Besides that nothing really exciting is going on. I'm sorry. I leave in just a little over two weeks. I'm pretty excited for that. Hopefully, it'll go well and I'll get a lot of questions answered. 

I've been catching up on old blog posts and I can see that all of you are doing well!!! I hope you're having a great weekend.....back to work I go!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Theater Thursday & Thank You's

That's right kiddos! It's Theater Thursday! This week we're looking at True Lies

Whether or not your an Arnold fan, True Lies is amazing! It's got drama, action and even a little romance. Tom Arnold is HILARIOUS in this movie. He has some great one lines. If you get offended with profanity and some partial not watch. There's also a few other celebrities in this movie, who were at the time not big keep a look out for them!

There's some major violence and cussing. I know alot of you are fellow military family,girlfriends,wives I think you can handle it lol. 

On to the thank you's! I want to thank every single one of you for the love and support you have shown me over the past few days. Yesterday was a hard day for me to finally admit that things are not ok. I think I had tried to shut everything out and it finally caught up with me. Thank you so much for all the emails and comments. Each and every single one of you brightens my day. No really....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Good. The Bad & The Ugly

I'm going to throw myself right into prepared..sit down.
The Good: I got my car today. I spent 4 hours sitting there waiting on everything to get settled. Turns out we had a bump in the road and I ended up with a Kia Spectra. Something happened with the Rio and I could get a better price (yes a better price) with the Spectra. Here's my new baby. I think I shall call it: The bay-bee
(Obviously the front side view)
(The center console...and yes that's a gumby keychain)

(I'm trying to hold in my excitement!)

Now onto....The bad: I had to be at work this morning at 4:30am. Yes, you read that right. Four thirty in the morning, which means I got up at 3:30am. Too bad I couldn't fall asleep till almost 1am. However, I do love my job so once I got there, the day flew by! Sad news though, I have to work Saturday and will only get Sunday off this week.

The Ugly: I've been putting off posting about this for awhile now. I was hoping for the best but now it just looks like it's not going to work out. I'll have to fill all of you in tomorrow when I'm completely awake!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I bought a new car!!!!

That's right!!! The rain let up for a few hours and I was able to roam the car lot and test drive. Within an hour I had picked out what I wanted. I was so excited! I just couldn't act too excited because I needed them to bring down the price. They started out wanting 17,000 dollars. It's really nice and has a ton of extras on it. However, I knew I didn't want to pay that much for it.
Finally after some wheeling (haha) and dealing we got them down to 12,900!! It was near the end of the business day so tomorrow morning their writing up the final paper work and I sign at 2:30 once I get off work. I'm SOOO excited!!! 
This is my car...except it's black. Don't worry, I'll take a ton of pictures tomorrow with me in it!!!!

It's a 2009 Kia Rio Lx. It only has 8 miles on it and I put 2 of them on it. It's got all the cute features: keyless remote entry, sat radio, power locks, windows and mirrors. Cruise control, cd player, mp3 hook up. I'm pretty excited!

Rain, Rain Go Away

It has now rained for 3 days straight and when I say "rained", it's not a sprinkle rain. No no, it's a monsoon rain. Not good, for multiple reasons.
The 1st reason: I'm looking into buying a new car. It's very uncomfortable to hike around on the car dealerships lots' in the pouring rain. For those of you who will want to know...I'm looking at the Kia Rio...yes I know not the coolest car but they have that amazing 10 years or 100,000 miles warranty. 
The 2nd reason: This area has a tendency to flood. I don't want to see anymore people lose their possessions or homes. So far, this rain storm hasn't caused any but we'll see how it goes.

The 3rd reason: Whatever happened to April showers bring May flowers?!?! All it did in April was rain. The few flowers that came out are now water logged. Way to go rain!

The 4th reason: All last week it was gorgeous outside and where was I? Inside! It's called work people. The first day I had off for my 3 day weekend...rain. The second day...rain. Now the third...rain. BOOOO

So enclosing, Dear rain, go away!