Vacation Day 1 (Downtown Disney) can be found
Vacation Day 2 (Wizarding World of Harry Potter) can be found
On our last full day in Orlando we decided to visit Gatorland and Sea World. Both of these places, especially Gatorland hold a special place in my heart. Until this trip, I hadn't been to Orlando since the late 1990's. The last time I had been there was on a family vacation with my mom and dad. The trip was one of only 2 that I can remember my dad being with us. It's one of those childhood memories where you only remember having a great time and only remember certain instances from the time. So for me to say that I was excited to go back to both of these places is an understatement. I was ecstatic!
Bright and early we headed to Gatorland! It was exactly like I remembered it!
(obviously the gators don't care about personal space)
(this guy was nuts! He wrestled an alligator!)
(feeding/competition time)
(This bird almost attacked me, note the scared face)
Once I was done reliving my childhood memories at Gatorland we made our way over to Sea World. Did I mention it was about 105 degrees and so muggy outside that you felt like you were breathing in water? No? Well it was, trust me.
After taking the long hike in from the parking lot we made our way into the shade and sat down for the Killer Whale show, Believe. Even though Shamu died years ago, I still end up calling every killer whale Shamu. I can't help it. I saw the real Shamu as a kid so the name is sticking.
We were still sweating balls after the Shamu show so we headed over to the seal show. This show was hilarious and not on purpose. Everything that could go wrong did and the actors were totally making fun of themselves. Loved it.
The last thing we did at Sea World was head back over to the killer whale show for, Shamu Rocks. This was by far the best show and it was packed out. The entire show lasted about half an hour but it was great. The whale's come out and perform to rock songs and it was great. The crowd got into it and was clapping and doing the wave. People were dancing from in the seats it was just one of those nights were everyone in the stadium was having a great time. If you go to Sea World I highly suggest staying for this late night show.
Sadly, the next morning we had to jump on a plane to come home. Hope you enjoyed hearing about my trip to Florida!