This week has been crazy. It's been filled with a lot of good, a little bit of bad and an ugly moment that even Jillian from the Biggest Loser would be upset about. So let's get to it shall we?
The Good- My mom's book came out on Tuesday (check out the post I did on it) and so far there's been nothing but great things said about it and her! Tonight I'll be attending a reception for her so expect a ton of photos come Monday!
Another good... I started reading Something Borrowed on Monday and by Tuesday afternoon had finished it. It was such a good book and I can't wait to go see the movie next Friday. If you haven't read it, get it! I loved it and next up I'll be getting Something Blue to find out what happens with Darcy.
The Ugly- The press on the Royal Wedding. Ugh! I know, I know. It's exciting and fun but the non stop, relentless press has been on my last never for days. Thank goodness it's all over today! Maybe now we can move on to something else!
The Bad- I had a dermatology appointment yesterday and the doctor totally made me cry. Not just a few little tears either, we're talking the ugly cry. He said some really uncalled for and unnecessary things to me. Basically because I didn't follow his method of treatment. Umm... I'm sorry that not everyone wants to be pumped up with a serious drug that has major side effects and is being recalled and sued by almost everyone!!! Plus the fact that he took a whole 2 seconds to look at me before diagnosing me and coming up with his treatment plan.
PASS! I don't think I'll be visiting him again anytime soon. NEW person!
However, JAX totally came to my emotional rescue and helped me not cry in my car in the parking lot. Big thanks to my good friends Kristin and Erica. They agreed with me as well and thought the doctor was a totally wackadoo.
Now onto the weekend and good times! Have fun everyone!