Jack Ryan (Chris Pine) is an analyst living in England during September 11th. When he witnesses the World Trade Center attack on television in enlists. When he's involved in a serious accident while in combat, he's forced to come back State side to try to learn to walk again. While he's there recovering he's being eyed by a CIA recruiter named Thomas (Kevin Costner) to join them. However, Jack is vying more for the attention of a medical student who's trying to help him to walk, Cathy(Kiera Knightly). He's intrigued though and takes Thomas up on his offer. He agrees to be a financial analyst and to never tell anyone he's in the CIA except for a spouse.
Years go by and he's working for a financial institute when he's sent to Russia to look into some major money being hidden in accounts. What he finds in Russia is more than missing money. He stumbles onto a plot to destroy the American economy and a terrorist bomb. How does he know he's stumbled into a bigger situation? The first person he meets tries to kill him. That won't be his only problem... Cathy decided to surprise him by showing up in Russia. Now he has to figure out how to keep her safe, his secret of being in the CIA secret and most importantly try to keep himself alive and keep America from having another attack.
This movie got really mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it! So check it out!