That's right folks, I'm back from Los Angeles.
Now I know, a lot of you are expecting a full recap from my travels, but I just uploaded my 912 photos (not even kidding) so I need to go through them and decide which ones are post worthy. I promise, tomorrow will be a full trip re-cap but for right now I'll break down what the first day was like.
A group of 5 of us went, so we had to get up at 5:30am to make it to the airport, get checked in and make sure we weren't going to miss the flight. So at 5:30am, a giant stretch, suv limo picked us up. I don't know who's idea it was to get the limo but none the less it was fun and we laughed the entire way there... well as much as you can laugh that early in the morning.
My Friend Erin & I outside the limo
On the ride to the airport, we noticed how fogging it was starting to get. The longer we sat in the airport the foggier it became. We had a connection in Charlotte planned and we knew the timing was going to be tight. US Airways, boarded us and we were thanking the heavens above. We start to get all ready, the steward goes through the spiel and then they delay us. Then they decided to de-board us. Not good folks! We knew at this point we weren't going to make the connection. Literally 5 mins after what the time we would have needed to be in the air, they board us and get us out of there.
We got to Charlotte, run to the gate, the plane just left. The next flight they had going out didn't get us to LAX until 4:49pm. bueno. If you don't remember me mentioning it? I was suppose to meet up with Evan Lysacek at 4:30pm. Yeah... that flight was not going to work. So I'm almost crying to the ticket counter lady and everyone in our group could see how sad I was becoming. Yet, there was, "nothing she could do". So they booked us on a flight going to Philadelphia. Yes, you read that correctly, they had us go from WV to NC to PA then to CA. Um... there are no words for how frustrated we were. Plus at this point, I figured I'd never see my checked luggage again. So we take the flight. Never again, will any of us ride on US Air.
We got to LAX around 10 till 5pm. We decided that I should try to make it downtown to the staples center, we called earlier in the day to let him know what was going on and that we'd be late. Well at this point, dinner was out of the question, I missed his warm ups that I was going to get to watch and the way traffic was, I figured I was going to miss the performance. So at 7:30pm we were literally running into our seats at the Staples Center. We made the show! We even managed to check into the hotel and not die on the 101 freeway.
At intermission, one of the handlers, came and gave us our little vip badges so we could go backstage. I was sooooo excited because earlier in the day I didn't think the meet up was going to end up working out. Well it happened. If you've ever been to a Stars on Ice concert or any concert for that matter, you know it's busy and chaotic. So while we were waiting on Evan we hung out with and saw some other celebs...which let me tell you was.... AWESOME!
I saw Kate Gosslin, umm.... she's way thinner in person but was dressed like a street walker. No joke. I wouldn't have even wore what she had that night to a Halloween party. We also saw a ton of people from DWTS including Mark Ballis and Evan's partner Anna. Here, I'll let a few pictures do the talking.
Evan's DWTS parter Anna
Evan & I
That's all for now, I'll be back tomorrow with the rest of the trip recap. Now I'm off to pack for New Mexico and catch up on my google reader! Hopefully I can get some commenting done.