This past few days I have done nothing but work and work! The weather pretended to warm up for half of Saturday but I was stuck in doors all day. I did manage to catch up on my movie watching and finally sat down and watched this...

And honestly, I wasn't too impressed. I mean, I thought it was ok but I didn't think it was the greatest or what it had been hyped to be. I did love the cameo's by Arnold and Bruce. I miss them in the old school action movies.
Besides movie watching, working and trying to stay warm I didn't do a lot. However this coming weekend will be different because Erica is coming to town!! Woohoo!!

I'm sure we'll end up at Fat Patty's (my favorite local place to eat!)
Now I'm off to clean, organize and get rid of clutter! It's time to get serious about moving and to do that I need to get rid of a lot of junk! Also keep your eyes peeled for a giveaway soon!