You've seen these things right?
The Christmas/holiday lawn inflatable. I hate those things. Yes, I said hate. Which is surprising since I love Christmas so much. Well I have a funny story to tell you about them and trust me it'll all come together why I'm talking about Christmas lawn inflatables in March.
So one night in December, my friend
Erica and I were spending the evening gambling at the casino about 45 miles from my house. She had never gambled before so we headed off to the casino. I of course always have fun but Erica learned quickly that she didn't enjoy seeing her money escape her tight grip (I think this is a quality she may have inherited from her dad).
After losing maybe, maybe 5 dollars she was done. She was not having a great time so we left the casino and headed back to town. On the way we started grooving to a mix cd filled with music from at least 8 years ago. We named in music roulette because we had no idea what song would be next. Along the drive, we looked at Christmas decorations and lights. We noticed an awful trend.
Every where we went there was at least one house on every block that had one of those gawd awful inflatable snow globes or reindeer etc. So being funny we started shooting them with our hands in the shapes of guns. It was like first one to spot it got to fake fire at it. Then I remembered that I needed to pick up a gift for a girl my workplace adopted for the holiday. Where do we stop? The only place open at 11pm Walmart!
While inside we wandered up and down the isles trying to figure out what to get a little girl besides the requested Bratz dolls (that we agreed looked like strippers)...
and what do we see? The bb guns!!! Did you know that you can purchase a bb gun for less than 29.99? Well you can! We came thisclose to buying one of them that night to shoot the inflatables but we didn't. We showed some restraint and in the end agreed that it would be wrong. Maybe next year. JUST kidding!
So how does this story just come out now? Well I'm purging a ton of stuff in my house and I came across the Bloodhound Gang cd from back in the day. I posted on my facebook that I was getting rid of it and Erica said this... " That's music to shoot lawn ornaments to."