The morning started at 4:30am, got out of the house by 5am. Got to the Austin airport in good time, made the first flight where I sat by a woman who farted the entire time and pretended like it wasn't her. Got to Houston, made the flight to Charleston, then drove another hour to my hometown.
How did the trip go? Well it wasn't like what I thought it would be. One really great thing about the trip is that I got to meet up with fellow blogger Allison over at I Heart Change. Who by the way is fabulous and an amazing lifesaver. Thank you soooo much Allison!!!!
Now, I know that all of you want me to talk about my trip but I really don't have a lot to say. Did it go how I thought it would? Not really. Am I upset about this? Yes. But all I can do now is go about my life and maybe one day things will change.
Start looking for my comments tomorrow!!!
For a second I thought you flew into South Carolina! I forget that there is another Charleston!
It sounds like your trip didn't go so well. I'm glad to hear that you could meet up with another Blogger who saved the day!
Why thank you. You are quite fabulous yourself. I'm sorry about all the negative that happened over your trip and about Wilma the farting passenger but it was GREAT to meet you!
Sorry that it did not go the way you wanted but at least you did get to meet a fellow blogger! milblog girls are the bestestttt!
Well, I am sorry it didn't go the way you wanted it to. Maybe I am missing this part of the story but how are you and the mister? Thinking about you.
sorry to hear your trip didn't go as planned :(
fun that you got to meet up with a blogger!!
enjoy the rest of your week pretty girl!!
totally lame! But I'm glad you got to hang out with Allison and make the best of it!
Yea for Blog friends! :)
Screw boys. Screw disappointing travels.
here's to tomorrow!
Oh girl, I'm sorry the trip didn't turn out like you planned. But it seems as if Allison was the silver lining in the whole mess, so yay for that!
I am going to go check my email!
Welcome back!!!! Bum deal the trip didn't go according to plan... but maybe look at it as though the plan was really just to meet Allison :)
Sorry about the trip, but glad you were able to meet up with a blogger friend!! And glad you are back home!
Glad you made it back safely and got to meet a blogger friend.
I'm so glad something good came from your trip. I hate that things turned out this way for you but at least you made a new friend!
Great attitude! Sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders and move ahead with life.
That is DISGUSTING about the lady on the plane! Gross! :)
Glad you made it back safe and sound. Sorry it didn't turn out like you wanted, but you never know what the long-term will bring!
Wow. Farting the entire time? Ew.
Glad you're back and glad that you were able to meet up with someone who was able to help keep you out of your yucky situation!!
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