Thursday, February 2, 2012

Theater Thursday

It's Thursday and that can only mean one thing around these parts... it's Theater Thursday! This week's featured movie is, In Time
I know I mentioned this movie when I originally saw it in the theater but trust me, this one is worth mentioning again. In Time stars Justin Timberlake as Will Salas, a young man living in the ghetto. Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried) is from New Greenwich the richest time zone in the world. When they meet their worlds collide the worlds time system will now be put to the test. 

Instead of currency, everything is paid with time. Got an electric bill due? That'll be 2 weeks.  Need an expensive breakfast... that'll be 8 weeks. Get the idea? Once you run out of time... you die. Those with time live forever. Those with no time don't live at all. Their spent working in factories and stealing to try to survive. 

Will has a new idea. Sylvia gets pulled in for the ride. This movie is really good. If you've never seen it, get it! It's a new movie worth watching! 


Sarah @ 90 Percent Blonde... said...

That sounds pretty awesome and I think it's one Beau will actually watch with me!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Can't wait till this comes to Redbox!

Caroline said...

I love JT. I think I need to see this!

Adrienne said...

Oh my goodness, this movie was SO good!

Nat said...

Might have to check this one out, I wasn't sure about it but I do love JT and if you say it's good I trust you!

Shannon Marie said...

I'm so glad to hear it's a good movie- I've been wanting to see it! :) Thanks for post!

Kristin said...

Justin Timberlake?? I will have to watch!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I thought it sounded dumb but if you recommend it I trust you! I'll add it to my Netflix queue :)

Impulsive Addict said...

CRAP! I was going to see this one! Is it still on at the theater? I need to check. I live in a ghetto town.