The past few weeks I have neglected this little space of mine. I've been busy with work and friends and getting out there and trying new things. I'm working on priorities and right now there's just so much going on. Does anyone else have a hard time balancing all the things going on in their life? I'm having a hard time finding good balance. I'm also having a hard time shutting out the noise. Maybe I should read Bethenny Frankel's book again.
Anyways, let's talk about all the busy things I've been doing while not blogging....
Last weekend, I went and saw the new Evil Dead movie.
I should preface talking about this movie by saying that I get really scared during scary movies. I usually don't watch them. Ever. But I was with some people and this is what they picked out. It was extremely gory and very bloody. I can never watch it again. I also went to a new place for me in town called District 30. It was fun and I got to hang out with some really nice people that I work with.

Then there was this past weekend. It started out on Thursday night when some friends were doing an asian theme dinner party. The food was so good! I brought dessert and since the host is allergic to chocolate/coco I made a peanut butter pie!
Everyone seemed to like it, so it must have turned out pretty well. I say that because I didn't actually eat any of it myself! It's very rich! After dinner, we all headed downtown to hear the dueling pianos at...
The mermaid was in the tank! It was a fun night. Friday I hung out with some other friends and had a huge meal of fish and shrimp. Now if you know me, I'm not a huge fan of that type of food but I'm trying new things so I ate it! The fish even still had the head on it as it sat on the plate. The same friend and I also went shopping and I got a few things for the home! I found this really cute wind chime for only 6.00 dollars!

So that's what I've been up to the past two weeks. I'm also currently reading Gone Girl and I'm completely enthralled. Hope everyone is doing great! Happy Monday!
WHAT an awesome weekend! Go you for trying something new- and yay for nights out with friends!
I LOVE the windchime- so cute!
I don't like scary gory movies either. I'll be sure to stay away from that one. You'll have to let me know what you think of Gone Girl when you finish it. I just finished divergent and insurgent. Thanks for the recommendation, they were really good. I can't wait for the new one to come out!
Oh man... I love scary movies but I like more psychological scary. I can't deal with blood and gore. Sounds like I probably should not see Evil Dead.
Gone Girl was in the top 3 books I loved last year- can't wait to hear what you think! And I think it's awesome that you're getting out there and trying new things with new people- it's definitely not easy, but sounds like you're having a great time!
I'm with you, scary movies are not my cup of tea. I've tried to get braver, but I certainly try not to watch them in theatres.
I'm with you, scary movies are not my cup of tea. I've tried to get braver, but I certainly try not to watch them in theatres.
Ahh Evil Dead looks way too scary for me! And that PB pie looks delish!!
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