Every year I try to read as much as I possibly can. I feel the feeding your mind with stories other than the ones you see on television can be a good thing for your brain. While some people read a lot of self-help, non fiction, etc, I for one am a fan of fiction books. I love a good mystery. This year I didn't know how reading would go for me since I was due in February and I didn't know what life with a newborn would be like. I'm happy to report that I'm finishing the year out with 22 books read in 2018. Was this my highest year total ever? No... but that's ok!
Here's a look at the books I read in 2018. If you want to see any of the books I've read in other years click the tags at the bottom of this post.
I'd have to say out of these 22 books that the top three for me was The Closers, Ready Player One and Altered Carbon. I loved the Netflix show of Altered Carbon and the book is very much the same. I love the Michael Connelly Bosch series but The Closers was probably my favorite one so far that I've read in the series. Ready Player One was a surprise for me. I didn't plan on ever reading the book or seeing the movie. When my husband gave me a free copy of it that he got through work, I thought OK I'll give it a try and the book was amazing. The movie was just OK for me.
The books that I had the hardest time finishing was The Running Duck (the movie Cobra is based on this book). I thought I would love the book since I love that movie but the book was FAR different than the movie. The book wasn't horrible but I can tell you this... Stallone did a great job of adapting the book and making it into a far better movie.
Happy Reading in 2019! I've already got some books lined up on my shelf and ready to go.
What will you be reading in 2019?
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