Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Presley’s First Birthday

Last week Presley turned ONE! 

We didn’t celebrate with a huge, blowout party. We just had a few family members over and friends. We didn’t even do party invites that’s how small we kept it. We did eat cake though!
We opened gifts all day long, we played with our new gifts then we would repeat that cycle. In true fashion, Presley was having so much fun he refused to take his last nap so by the end of the night he had been up for almost 8 hours. I was rewarded with him sleeping the majority of the night and getting up at 6:25 a.m. 
The weather was not cooperating on his birthday so we had to wait till President's Day to take him to the Zoo and boy did he LOVE it! He got to see all kinds of different animals and reptiles, take part in the Giraffe encounter and even saw some real life water hogs from the Lion King. 

I think for a first birthday party we did pretty good! Next year will be completely different because he will be so much more aware. We will have to start planning a great birthday theme and plans!