Friday, September 9, 2011

Why You Crossed Your Fingers & Why I Want to Cry.

On Tuesday, I asked for all the positive vibes and good luck out there to be sent my way. I had something big happening. I haven't really talked about it on the ol' blog recently but I feel it's time I lay it all out there. Maybe it's because I feel a little superstitious about it. Know what I mean? Anyways, let me explain...

At the end of last year, I knew this year was going to bring a lot of changes in my life. I was more than OK with that, I was welcoming it with open arms and ready for it to happen. I knew one of two things was going to happen, either I was going to be getting a different job within my same agency I already work for or I was going to be putting in my transfer and moving. When things fell through with the job that I had hoped for, I immediatly put in the transfer. I was and am ready to pack up everything I own and move over 2,500 miles away to the opposite side of the country.

I put my transfer request in at the beginning of March and it was accepted. Great. Then the months start to roll along and they keep rolling along. Well what I didn't know or realize at the time is that there has to be an open spot for me to go into. Which really means you have to wait for them to call you and tell you your move date and new start date at the transfer location. So I've been waiting...... and waiting. Then I found out that I could increase my chances of getting out to California by adding two more locations I was willing to transfer to so I put in two more transfer requests to different cities within the state.

I first thought I'd be moved and living in California by August. Well... August came and went and it was mentally challenging and frustrating. I'd call each location and check on the status of the transfer and I'd get the same answers. The vauge, "Well it's not looking like right now but you might want to check back in a few weeks" response. It was starting to drive me insane. I started getting desperate. I kept praying to the heavens above that it would come through. I asked everyone I knew to wish it and will it to happen. I even called up my two hardcore Catholic friends and asked them to light candles for me, no joke.

And then on Monday, I got news that I would know on Tuesday whether or not it was going to happen soon as in September or October. My stomach went into knots. I alerted my closests friends and pleaded to the sky, Please... Please let me get good news.

Absolutely nothing....

Tuesday came and went. I think I drove our HR person insane. I kept asking for updates almost every 30 minutes. The day ended without a phone call and I went home let down and defeated. But then I guessed no news was better than bad news. Now I sit, waiting to hear when it'll be my turn to pick up and move. It's both mentally challenging and frustrating. There's some days that I think I'll go insane from the waiting and not knowing but that's all I can do. It could be today, it could be tomorrow. It could be a month from now or three months from now. It could be in 5 minutes. It could be....

Wednesday came and went. Thursday came and went. And as of right now I haven't heard anything today either. 

So I sit and I wait.

So I ask all of you now, whether you've been reading my blog since the beginning or you've just started or stumbled across it. Put out just a few good vibes and wishes for me that it happens soon. That I get my request and that I'm living in sunny California. I need all the good karma I can get.


star said...

I hope you get the GOOD news soon girl! I can't believe you have to wait so long for a transfer! That must be nerve wracking! I'll keep sending positive thought your way!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

God. This reminds me of the job market last year. Todd and I were bananas September Thru December, it was awful - but your wait has been much, much longer. Sending good vibes your way!!! The call when come when you least expect it, seriously. It always does.

krystal said...

wishing, praying, hoping!

tootie said...

That is the worst - all the uncertainty. I will pray that you hear some good news soon!!

Bri said...

Sending good vibes and the best of wishes - hoping this happens for you soon!

Pamela said...

How frustrating!!! I hope you hear something soon!

Hutch said...

Gah! Keeping the good vibes going your way!!

Jessica said...

Yeahh.. I know a little bit about the whole waiting and seeing thing! It's so frustrating. I'll say a prayer for you this morning! I can't wait to hear your GOOD news!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh my gosh that would drive me CRAZY! I can't even imagine how you're dealing with this. Sending lots of good thoughts and hoping you hear SOON.

Lucky Lady said...

Stay focused on what you want and how happy you will feel when you get it. Forget about everything else and before you know it you'll be calling me from California.

AC Quigley said...

I've still got everything crossed for you! And the good vibes are so strong now I'm risking self-combustion! It'll happen, it'll happen, hang in there!

Drew said...

:-( It's hard to sit around waiting and not being able to do anything to speed things along. Thinking of you and sending good vibes!

Adrienne said...

I'm one of those "recently stumbled upon your blog" people, but still, I'm praying and hoping for ya! :)

Claire Kiefer said...

I'm still hoping that you'll get your transfer! Are you set on staying with your agency, or would you consider applying for other jobs out here in CA?

Cole said...

Sending more good vibes your way!!!

Impulsive Addict said...

Awww...that's so frustrating! I just stumbled across your blog so I'll leaving some GOOD VIBES for you. I hope you hear something soon, Sweetie!

Try and have a great weekend anyway!

Megan said...

nothing is more maddening then waiting to hear back from something or someone that could change your life..i have been there so many time before girlfriend..and it always works out the way it is supposed to (cliche much? totally not what u want to hear) but it is SO true. sending tons of good vibes your way.

Kelli said...

Goodness how frustrating!! I hope you know soon and are able to manage patiently until then.

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Fiji said...

I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. You're being so brave though, I would have absoulutely lost it by now, which reminds me of something one of my Catholic friends said to me "God only gives you as much as he knows you can handle, and then he watches how you handle it" that always made me feel like I could handle anything because it's only happening to me because I CAN handle it...Sending you happy thoughts <3

Ashley said...

Oh, Jenn. I know you are beyond frustrated with the waiting. I'll be praying you here good news soon!

Deidre said...

That is soooo soooo annoying. I am so sorry. I'll definitely be sending you good vibes. Good luck! And I hope an answer comes super soon!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Oh my gosh I am so sorry you have to go through all this :( I'm keep you in my thoughts and sending lots of positive vibes your way.

Meghan said...

I am most definitely sending positive vibes your way. Everything happens for a reason - I know you will move at the right time! :)

Amber said...

Oh I'm so sorry, waiting is the worst. I'm definitely be thinking of you :)

Arr said...

All positive vibes too you. I hope that you get your answer soon. Prayers to you!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I wanted to write to you yesterday but couldn't. Sending you hugs today! Lots of hugsd!!!

Abbie said...

Oh how one likes the waiting game:(

Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

I have been reading for a while now... and I am sending all good thoughts your way!! Sometimes waiting is the worst part!!!

Anonymous said...

I know this will happen for you! Give it time, don't rush it. Everything happens for a reason.

Keep your chin up and I am keeping you in my thoughts!!

Best of luck and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep us posted!!!

p.s. where in CA????

Jax said...

I so wondered what happened with all that! I was like "That girl needs to get cross country so we can have a dinner date along the way!" ;) Seriously, I am so sorry for all this annoying stalling. It's like you get the best news ever and then they say "nevermind." :( Lots of good thoughts, vibes and prayers for you, girl!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

i hope you get some good news soon! positive vibes!

Marina said...

Waiting is the worse.. Not knowing! TERRIBLE! I wish you any news soon, but I hope there will be good!

Stephanie said...

Putting out the good vibes! It is going to happen for you I just know it!

SS said...

Talk about frustrating.... I would go nuts not being able to plan. I hope everything works out in a positive light. Actually I know it will, even if it isn't what you are hoping for things like this tend to work themselves out. Best wishes!

ABW said...

Crazy! I hope you hear something good, and soon!!!

Hollie Ann said...

everything happens for a reason! trust that it will happen and it will in time. you will love california :)

positive thinking your way!!!

AMY said...

Wishing you all the BEST Sweetheart!!!
Hope that you get the California transfer.
Damn......I wish I could move to CA too! hehe!
Good my fingers crossed for you!

I'm curious what type of job?

Unknown said...

What, seriously, they just didn't call you? What the heck? Have you heard? It might be too late, but my fingers are crossed for you (although not really, because crossed fingers here is a sign for they're mentally crossed in the american meaning)