Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

This past week I had four days off and I used them to the best of my advantage. I got out of town!

I did a miniature road trip to the Newport Aquarium outside of Cincinnati. I've been there before but I'm guessing because of spring breaks and the Easter holiday, the place was packed out! They had a 2 hour wait to even get inside the place.

So what did we do to kill time? We walked around Newport on the Levee and enjoyed the human hamster balls. Have you seen these?
It was $8.00 well spent. You get inside of them, they add all of the air and then they push into a pool so you can roll around on the surface without getting wet! 

Once the wait was over, I was able to get inside the aquarium and see all the creatures of the sea. Since my last visit they got a new addition of an alligator called Mighty Mike. He was literally over 500 pounds! Even though we had to wait a few hours to get inside, the trip was definitely worth it. 

  Easter bunny hopped by and dropped off some baskets! 
 I had a fun Easter weekend! Hope you did too! 


Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yay, looks like an awesome Easter!

lil desiqua said...

Those balls look like SO much fun!!! And I love doing "kids" stuff like going to the aquarium... C and I went just last month when we were in FL!

Hope the Easter Bunny brought you lots of goodies!

Cole said...

That looks like an awesome weekend!

Anonymous said...

glad you had a great Easter. Crazy it was a 2hr wait at the aquarium. I enjoy going to the one in Newport.

Steph said...

How awesome! Yay for mini-getaways.

Nicole said...

Omg human hamster balls?! I must try that! How fun. Sounds like a good weekend. Hope everything is better :)

Amber said...

Oh my gosh, I wanna ride in a human hamster ball! Looks like a blast :)

Jamie said...

How funny are those human hamster balls!

star said...

Looks like you had a fun Easter! That bubble thing looks awesome!

Shauna said...

What a fun weekend!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a great fun weekend!!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

mmhm looks like an awesome Easter indeed!

Tina L. Hook said...

I've been to the Newport Aquarium! My favorite was the penguins.

Courtney B said...

What a PERFECT Easter weekend! SO FUN!

Anonymous said...

Awe you two are the cutest!

Anonymous said...

I have a every easter off. We got a four day weekend and I pottered around doing all sorts of stuff that I don't normally get to do.

Carrie said...

I've been to the Newport Aquarium quite a few times (love it!), but I've never seen these human hamster balls. It looks like fun! I'll have to look for those the next time I'm in the area. Glad you had such an awesome Easter! :)

shopgirl said...

guinea pigs are just adorable! glad you had such a blast over easter sweetie!
