Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Never Give Up

I am a fighter. 
I am persistent.
I do not give up. 
I keep going. 
I am determined. 
I am passionate. 
I believe persistence pays.

When someone attacks me or the people I love, I become a caged animal. I have no patience or forgiveness for them. I become determined to avenge the wrongs. I gather all the information I can get my hands on and work out a way to get the job done. 

Right now I'm on a mission. They picked the wrong person to mess with because I will not go quietly into the night. I will not give up.


Anonymous said...

I am the same way.

Courtney B said...

Oooooh no! I'm sorry someone decided to mess with you :(

Shauna said...

I like your style :)
BTW, Im the same way.
Good Luck!

Lin said...

Wow. I wouldnt want to mess with you. Whoever did better seriously watch their backs :/

Stephanie said...

Hoping you are okay...

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I hope all is okay lady...

Adrienne said...

Ow Ow! Fight on girl! You ARE strong and wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Stick to your guns, defend what is yours and never give up until you have won!

lil desiqua said...

Read this and thought of Fighter by Christina Aguilera.
"I am a fighter and I
I ain't gonna stop
There is no turning back
I've had enough"
I definitely know how you feel; I'm the same. Get 'em girl!

A Life Un-Styled said...

I hope everything is okay? Here if you need to talk or vent. I was the same way for many years, but now, now, I just want a simpler life! No drama please!

shopgirl said...

Now you've piqued my curiosity.....

Go girl!!
