While I'm still unpacking boxes, (yep... there's still tons of boxes to be unpacked) I thought I'd share some snapshots from the drive across the country and around the house. Once everything gets unpacked, I'll take some after shots of the house so you can see that I have real furniture and such. Ha!
When we set out to make the cross country trek, we decided to take the western route over the northern route. We figured it would be easier to cross that part of the country with a moving truck easier than it would be to cross huge mountains through Utah, Wyoming, etc. The drive through Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas wasn't bad at all. It wasn't until We began going through New Mexico and Arizona that it really started to heat up. When we hit the desert going into California, I thought we would die from the heat. We even had to stop because we were getting too hot. I truly learned what the term, "swamp ass"meant. My clothing was soaked in sweat. My pants, my shirt... drenched.
Now... with all that being said, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I drove across the United States. I got to see parts of the country that a lot of people never will. The sky was amazing during the day. The desert while hot was really breathtaking. We didn't have any bad weather and when we did, we had already stopped. It was definitely an interesting ride...
I also learned that Texas really does love steak. When we stopped at the Big Texas Steakhouse in Amarillo, they were offering anyone who could eat this 72oz steak and it's sides in under an hour the meal for free! I didn't even tempt that one...
I couldn't even eat that thing in a week! How about you?
Goodness, that is one huge steak! I don't eat meat, so that challenge is definitely not for me, lol.
So cool that you got to do this. I drove from Georgia to California twice (in one year!) and both experiences were so memorable. It's awesome to get to see so much of the country, watch the scenery change, etc.
I really don't know if I could deal with a road trip like this, I get super antsy in the car!
That's so cool that you got to drive across the country. While I'm sad you didn't take the northern route, the deserts of Arizona and California are also beautiful. I've driven all over the west, now I just need to make my way east.
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