Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend Review

I'm not going to lie... I ate this meal three times in one week....
So what is that you ask? Oh it would just be the most addictive meal ever. It's the Urban Fries with a side steak from Jack's Urban Eats. (Mom, the next time you are in CA, I will take you there).
The Urban Fries include blue cheese, hot chili oil, red pepper flakes, and lots of chopped parsley. I know it probably sounds like a weird combination but I promise it's amazing! I wasn't sold on the idea until the first time a co-worker let me try hers. Aaaamazing! I get a side of steak added on top and it's just the right combination to make a meal. I don't even want to know how many calories is in that thing.

One of my friends celebrated a Birthday mid-week so when the weekend came, we all gathered to celebrate! It was at Country Club Lanes and since I had never been there it was a new experience. I clearly wasn't dressed for bowling but I was there to support! Haha!
The maxi skirt I sported to bowling...
The birthday girl herself...
 Then the next time I figured it was time to get my butt in gear and start working on the inside of my garage. Next month I'll have lived in California for a year and in that time I haven't done one thing to my garage. Granted, I added a washer and dryer but besides that I've never painted it or cleaned out all the boxes I randomly throw in there. This weekend that major project started.
Clearly the before was on the left and the process of the after on the right. I have to finish cleaning it out and then I'm going to recruit my friends to help me insulate the garage and then paint. It's a slow job but at least I started!

Now it's back to work! What did you do on your weekend?


Unknown said...

A year next month? dang, where does time go?

ChickPool said...

at first sight, this looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. but then i thought, how can you go wrong with meat and potatoes? i would definitely try this.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

It's already been a year? Crazy how time flies. I remember when you were hoping for a transfer. Seems like yesterday!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I can't believe its already been a year since you moved, I can't believe how time flies. I remember when you were waiting and it seemed like forever!

P.S. I'm giving away a $50 gift card to Albion Fit. Come enter!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Fries + steak all in one bite! Yep, I'll take it!

Amber said...

I'm drooling right now. I need those fries in my life!

Love your maxi skirt, very cute!

Miranda said...

Those fries sounds seriously SO delicious!!! I'm envious of all the fun places you have to eat there! :)

If I were there I'd totally help you with the garage!

I feel like I had the laziest weekend EVER. It's nice to chill sometimes, but too much laziness wears me down. :( Trying to make up for that this week!

Petchie said...

Love the maxi skirt, so cute!


Nicole said...

A year?!? No way! I can't believe it. Was it everything you hoped? Regrets? Thoughts? Feelings? Spill it lol :)

Meghan said...

Ahh! That skirt is so adorable - and OMG, those FRIES!

Kristin said...

ohhhhh I love that maxi skirt!!