Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Speed Reader

When I was a little kid, I was not a fan of reading. When I became a teenager, I started getting into reading. Since I was a teenager I've sped read through hundreds of books. This past year was a pitiful display of my reading ability. I had a goal of reading 12 books. I figured between work, hanging out with Beezy, starting a new job, the holidays, my mom coming into town, visiting West Virginia and moving Beezy's mom in. I somehow didn't even make that goal. It was 12 books. Guess where I ended up at?

How awful is that? And technically, I'm lying. I've technically only read 9 1/2 because I'm only half way through that 10th book. So what books did I read in 2014? Let's do a quick review (quick because I only read 9 1/2 books).
1.  Spelling It Like It Is.
I read this pre- tori and Dean affair. She needs to drop him.

2. Legend.
Great book. This is something I think should actually be turned into a movie. Unfortunately I don't think it will be because of Divergent and the Hunger Games series.

3. Doing Hard Time.
Stuart Woods can do no wrong. I love all of his books. Always.

4. Mrs. Jeffries Learns the Trade.
These books are always a fun read. Their set in England in a time period I can't decide if it's the late 1800's of the early 1900s.

5. Stand Up Guy.
Another Stuart Woods book and I loved it. I thought this was one of the best in his series.

6. Romancing the Stone.
Clearly I had to feed my addiction with this movie. I found out that they made books to go along with the movie. The book actually had stuff in it that wasn't in the movie so it was a nice addition.

7. Carnal Curiosity.
Stuart Woods was on fire this past year. Loved it!

8. Prodigy.
The sequel to Legend and it was not a disappointment. I got the third book for Christmas and I can't wait to read it.

9. We Were Liars.
I read this book because my bff Erica said it was great. I thought it was awful. I was very disappointed. Anyone want it? I'll never read it again.
10. Jewel of the Nile.
This was the sequel to Romancing the Stone. So far it's exactly like the movie but with a few extras thrown in. It was probably what got cut from the movie.
This year I know my limits. I'm getting married. I'm planning a wedding. I'm working a job that keeps me busy 99% of the time while I'm at work. My evenings are quality time and the weekends are usually booked up. This year I'm shooting for 10 books but we shall see. Who knows maybe I'll surprise myself and end up reading a lot!


Why Girls Are Weird said...

I read We Were Liars and unfortunately saw the end coming a mile away, which was kind of sad.

Erica said...

your bff erica suggests you read perfect ruin. i can't decide if i like it or not but i know i want to read the next book in the series. so i guess i liked it? i dunno...you tell me!