Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend Review

This past weekend started with a real bang. Friday night, I get home from work and Beezy had fixed my favorite dinner... Fettuccini Alfredo. I was very happy and ate way more than I should have. After dinner, I went into our bathroom that's off the master. The bedroom is set up a little odd because the wall that has our television doesn't have any power outlets so we had an extension cord plugged in that had yet to be put under the carpet. Silly me. I come out of the bathroom, flip the light out and my eyes hadn't adjusted. Needless to say, my foot got caught in the cord, I tripped and hit the ground. Now this is where it gets really interesting.

The next thing I know Beezy is on top of me touching my face trying to wake me up. Apparently, when I fell my head hit the end of the bed and I knocked myself out. Yep. Out cold! So when he heard the thump of me hitting the ground he didn't know what the noise was. He comes to the bedroom which is completely dark and finds me face down in the carpet. To say he was freaked out is an understatement. When I went down my knee apparently took a major hit cause it was very red and swollen. We even had to ice it.
After all of the excitement Friday night, Saturday was a breeze! I did wake up feeling very sore. I took it easy in the morning and sat down to take down the last of our Christmas decorations. I had taken everything down except our last tree, the Beach tree. Sadly, we wont get to see it again till next year. I'm pretty for sure Tesco was sad to see it come down because he loved sitting under and beside them.
We also went to his cousin's house and he played poker. Their kids have two tropical pet turtles that I'm obsessed with. I think they are the cutest little things! His cousin's wife was showing me everything they have to do for their glass case they live in and it's a ton of work! Because their tropical they have to keep it hot and humid so they have to spray it with water twice a day. They have to turn the lights off and on twice a day because they have differentiate night and day etc. It was a lot! I still think their super cute. I want one...

On Sunday, I went out and found my engagement party outfit! I was lucky enough to find a dress and shoes literally within 5 minutes of each other. I don't want to share my dress until the party but check out the shoes that I got to go with it...
Now it's back to another week of work!


eHa said...

Feel better! That fall sounds so scary!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Okay, now that would have scared me too. What the heck of a fall was that?! WOW. glad you are okay, even with a sore knee. I hope by now it's better?
And HELLO lovely shoes!!!! Perfect for this time of year. You did well. :)

Anonymous said...

Are you going to be able to walk in them after banging up your knee?