Goal 1- Order our wedding album! I have put this off and wrote it down on about 10 things I need to do list. Sitting down and going through 1200 photos and narrowing them down to 80 isn't an easy task.
Goal 2- Write chapters 17 and 18. I've been working on a book since January and really working on it. I've written 16 chapters and I'm currently on chapter 17. In January I was really hoping to have a complete rough draft of the entire book. Hey... life gets busy. I'm hoping to have it completed by August. Then I'll edit my rough draft and then start shopping it out to publishing houses or a literary agent.
Goal 3- Get a doormat. I know what your thinking. Buy a doormat? How hard of a goal is that? Well we've had this ugly brown doormat since we moved into our home. Every day when I get home and look at that thing I'm like ugh, I need to get a new door mat. I'm tired of seeing it and it's the little things in life. I want something nice and cheerful and something that speaks to my style. The hunt will commence.
Goal 4- Soak in vacation. I want to have an amazing summer vacation. I plan on trying to actually relax. I want to enjoy every minute of it and live in the moment. I don't want to worry about if I'm going to be sick. If I'm going to have anxiety. If I'll poop my pants on the drive because we can't find a bathroom (yes these are thoughts that I have). I want to just live.
Goal 5- I got a promotion at work and let me just tell you how excited I am. While I'm excited it comes with a lot more responsibility. So I'm hoping to get a work plan going and be really organized.
Goal 6- Get a pool. Last year with the move we didn't get in the pool at all. The year before that I had this awesome inflatable pool that I would literally inflate anytime I wanted to cool off. I put it up in the backyard and it was awesome. Well this year I want one again. I don't care if we have only dirt. I'll throw some old towels down and walk on them once I'm out. I want my 5.00 kiddy pool back and I don't care who knows it!
You're writing a book?! Ahh! That's so awesome lady!! How's it going? Let me know if you need any help with the process. I'm no expert, but I've made a ton of mistakes, hahah. So exciting!
Sounds like great goals! I'm writing a book too and it's so hard to stay on top of my timeline... everything seems to take longer than anticipated!
Nellwyn | www.thecardinalpress.com
I love this idea of goal-setting at the start of each month! I'm totally going to start doing this! Thanks for the idea!
hugs, Christina
Christina | Fashion & Frills
Have an awesomely relaxing summer vacation!! And way to go on writing that book--16 chapters already is a big deal!
Congrats on your promotion!
Girl, get that doormat NOW. I know there's a ton out there to choose from. We found ours on Amazon of all places. I was tempted by Wayfair and found many others at Target, Etsy, what not but then, said, screw it...we need something cute, colorful but not overly "hello, we live here and want to stand out kinda way" and most importantly affordable. I can't justify $80 for a doormat...but that's maybe just me. Haha. So, go out and get a doormat. It'll make coming home so much more fun!!!
And I can't wait to hear more about your book once you're done. Definitely want to read it. ;)
About the book, don't bother with a publishing house or agent, they will control everything for 35 years and you will have no control over anything, nor get any decent money out of it.
Go with Amazon's KDP, Kobo or Smashwords for distribution and do it yourself. Get the book edited by a professional if you know someone who can do it cheap, find a website to do a cover that you want and and the interiors are fairly easy if you follow the Smashwords Style Guide and then follow on with the Kindle guideline. Being in America it will be easy to set up accounts. Amazon also does paperback versions.
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