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Today, I might be opening a very large can of worms but I hope not.
Recently, I've been giving a lot of thought to having cosmetic surgery. Over the years I've toyed with the idea but recently in the last couple of months I've started to seriously consider it. Now, before everyone starts to get their panties in a bunch hear me out.
First of all, I would be doing it for me. Not for anyone else. It would be my choice and my decision. Second of all, what I'm considering having done is not something over the top. If you saw me out on the street afterwards you wouldn't be like, "OMG why on earth did she do that?" It's just a small, tiny, teeny procedure. I promise.
My thoughts on cosmetic procedures is this, if you hadn't already figured it out: If it's something that's going to make you happy, make you feel better about being yourself, not over the top or completely crazy then do it. Life is too short to be unhappy or miserable. And don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the way I am, I just think it would be a nice improvement... if I decide to do it.
So before the first stone is thrown let's all remember this phrase: Glass house. So what do you think? Have you had any cosmetic surgery?
What do you wanna get done?
I'd like to have some sort of plastic surgery - if what I want is even considered plastic surgery.
I have a lot of loose skin from pregnancy, and plus I'm fat - so I'd like to have that removed.
Maybe later on down the road after I'm done having kids and I finally get the weight I want, I'll get it done :)
I agree with you...if it makes you feel good about yourself, do it! I've never been the kind of person who says someone else should dress or wear their hair a certain way. If it makes you feel good, more power to you. Besides, the people who have cosmetic surgery on every body part, so much that they dont' even look real anymore, are the ones who have a problem. One or two surgeries even wouldn't be a bad thing! What are you thinking about having done?
Although ( gotta add) that you are a pretty gal as is! :)
i had a breast reduction surgery about 6 years ago and it was the BEST thing i ever did. for me, it was purely cosmetic. i didn't have any health problems (although don't tell my insurance company that cause they paid for the whole thing... haha). i just wanted to feel better about myself and it worked! although, i'm a firm believer that the inside is what truly counts, but there are just some things that are difficult to live with. i'd seriously seriously consider all the options. it is a permanent change afterall. :)
I don't think I could ever do it, but I don't see a problem with having a little minor surgery done. I just think that you can almost always tell when someone has had some "work done", and I would be too nervous that it would be screwed up somehow and people would notice!
I DO see a problem with these crazy people like Joan Rivers whose faces are pulled so tight and whose lips are five times a normal size. How can you look at yourself in the mirror and think, "wow, I look AMAZING!" when you have disfigured your own face like that??
I have not had any cosmetic surgery, but you know I had to throw in my opinion anyways :)
I feel like it should be an individual decision. As long as you are not doing it because you think it's going to totally transform your life or you're completely depending on it to make you happy, I think you're good to go! You said you're doing it for yourself and nobody else, so that's good. You seem like you are doing it for healthy reasons.
Just remember, everyone is going to have an opinion about this. Probably a strong one. Take it all with a grain of salt and listen to yourself! You know what's best for you..
If it makes you happy then go for it! I am going to have some work done in a few years. Not much but enough to repair the damage that won't repair on it's own no matter what i attempt!
I think that if it's something that is going to make you feel better about yourself and more confident, then go for it! I can't say I wouldn't do it, because I think I would. But, I also do not have an addictive personality so I know I could stop having procedures and feel satisfied.
i think if it makes you happy and it's something you want to do, do it!! :)
have to say, i think you look beautiful just as you are!! :)
hope you have a fabulous turkey day hun!!!
I haven't had any, but I am not ruling it out ever. I think it's healthier that you are doing this for you and not some one else.
I know people who have had some things done, and some of it was so minor that no one would even know.
I don't know if I would do it, but it is def individual based. If it makes you happy, then sure, that being said, you are beautiful!
What kind of surgery is it? I agree that if it makes you happy then go for it. As long as it isn't too risky.
You better go ahead and do it then. Pelosi's house bill has a provision to tax cosmetic procedures.
I don't think I would ever do it, but if I had something that I would really like changed, I might have a different opinion. Do what you want, it's your life and body!
I say go for it! In the end you are the only one who has to live with the decision, and if it will make you feel more confident and happier then DO IT!
You only live once! :)
I don't think I would do it unless it was something that I was majorly self conscious about...I kind of want to have a breast reduction because I feel like my boobs are the first thing that people see. maybe someday...
Hey, if it's just for you.. then nobody else's opinion matters! I'm not going to lie, there's something I'm considering as well, but it's a little far off.
I haven't had any cosmetic surgery and J is seriously opposed to it. However, if at some point I need plastic surgery after kids to make me feel like me...He's going to have to suck it up and shut up.
I say go for it as long as it's for you. The only plastic surgery I ever had a problem with is one of my good friends who was like a D cup and then got implants and no breast lift. Totally do not understand AT ALL.
I never thought it would be something I'd consider for myself but hey, opinions change! I haven't done it but when I know I'm done with kids my BFF and I plan on having "the girls" lifted.
I'll confess to having tried Botox but that's all I've had done and would do to my face.
It's such a personal decision, if you want it go for it... just be careful and make sure you have an excellent doc with all the right training!
I've never had a cosmetic surgery, but I've had friends that have done it. If it makes you happy - go for it and don't let anyone make you feel bad for your choices.
I have not but I believe I would. If a person is doing it for themselves, then I say hell yes! Bottom line..... it's your life and your choice!
Have I thought about it? Only since I realized my breasts stopped growing when I was 12! Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the truth of it.
My only hesitation, and how I would counsel anyone considering it, is to really think it through beforehand. I've heard a saying, "A problem in the soul can't be fixed by moving the body from one place to another." I would paraphrase that to say instead, "Can't be fixed by changing the body." If you can't accept yourself as you are TODAY, no amount of changing your body will really solve the problem. This is why psychiatrists are now saying there is a plastic surgery addiction disorder, because some people (not everyone or even most, but some) seriously expect getting something tweaked or tucked or enhanced will "fix" whatever insecurity issues they have, and then it doesn't so they get something else changed, and on and on.
It's a case-by-case thing, really. If you (in the generic sense, not YOU) are doing it for yourself, not to try and escape insecurity or depression, not to try and please someone else - whether it be a boyfriend or a casting director, and it won't put you into debt (which is something else I feel very strongly about) then I don't see anything wrong with it. I just don't think it's a decision to take lightly.
I hope that didn't come across too heavy-handed. It's just how I feel.
I have had cosmetic surgery, and you know what? Since I have had it I have never felt better! I suffered for years from a medical condition known as "MicroMastia," or in laymen's terms- The part where your boobs NEVER GROW!!
I finally went to one of the top 10 PS in Texas a few months before I graduated with my BA degree, and he diagnosed me. I never even had real nipples, let alone any breast tissue, and it tore me to pieces growing up and not being able to wear bikinis and tank tops, strapless dresses and form fitting clothes. So, I scheduled my Breast Augmentation in 2004 and got my boobies!! Hehe :)
I went from a -AA to a 38 C and feel AMAZING!!! If this is something you have thought about for years and you have researched your options, Doctors, risks and benefits... I say... DO IT!!!
Only do something if it is going to make YOU happy. As with any major decision, such as this, be positive you know and weigh out all of the pros and cons. Good luck, and make sure that you think things through.
What are you contemplating? I say to each their own. I do not place judgement! Just know you are beautiful no matter what!
Oh I'm just reading this now. I'm not sure if I could ever do this, but if it makes you feel better and more confident and all then why not?! I'm not against any of that. It's your body, isn't it?! If it's what makes you and only you happen then I say...go for it!!! ;)
I think if people do it for the right reasons, it can be a great thing. I had my boobs done a few years ago and I can't imagine myself any other way. I feel better, and I like the way my clothes fit. For me, it was a great decision. For some people, it just opens up a new can of worms, or an addiction to surgery. It totally depends on the person!
I think its really tempting, but I don't know if I could do it. Maybe something really small, but I'd be tempted to have them vacuum out all the fat from my body. lol.
It depends on what your getting done (I read ahead: Reslin/Botx, whatever) I would do something like that I think, if I had a wrinkle that bothered me enough. I don't yet, but with all this stress, I might soon.
I have thought about a breast reduction actually. Mine aren't huge, but their big for a dancer, which is something I do a lot. They get more attention than I'd like. So I don't know.
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