Love Actually takes place in London, England (one of my favorite places btw) during the holiday season. The movie follows the story lines of 7 different romance stories. The theme: "love is all around". There's a politician, a writer, an entertainer, a hopeless romantic, a married couple, grieving father & an overworked single.
The movie also has some very big name stars in it: Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley & Emma Thompson just to name a few.
If you're a hopeless romantic like me, then you'll definitely love watching this movie. It gives off a great holiday feel. Watch it!
I love Love Actually. It's one of my favorite Christmas movies. :)
How in the world have I never seen this movie?!? Ok. I am adding it onto my ever growing Christmas profile on Netflix. =)
I haven't seen it yet...maybe that's a good candidate for this weekend while the hubby is out of town!
I LOVE this movie! I can even get the hubs to watch it!
LOVE this movie!! Haha I watch it once a week every week in December! It's so great! :)
Seriously one of my favorite movies. Ever.
I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE Christmas Time and one of the great things about Christmas time is the MOVIES! I'm a HUGE fan of Old Christmas movies with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire and I'd have to say my ALL TIME favorite is Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase! Yaaaaay for the HOLIDAYS!
I love it!! This is seriously my favorite Christmas movie!!
This is one of my favorite movies of all time! I'm gonna have to dig it out soon... next rainy day.. I'm all over it!
Never seen it, but everyone raves about it!!! Im going to add to my netflix... xxxooo
I LOVE this movie! I remember seeing it with Megan Green back in the day when it was in the theater. Still one of my favs!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie!!
This is one of those movies that cheers me up without fail every since time I watch it.
I love this one!! It is one of my favorites!
I know I am a horrible woman but this is one movie I didn't like! I saw it premier week when we lived in Germany and I just thought that it could have been so much better. I still catch my self watching it on ocassion tho!
I've been wanting to see this movie for a loooooooong time. I'll defintely be checking it out very soon. :)
Fav movie EVER!! I can re-watch this a gazillion times. Great choice.
I've never seen this movie, but have always meant to. Maybe that's what I'll rent next time we rent a movie. :)
One of my most FAVORITE movies... all year round!!!!!!!!
This is one of my absolute favorite movies (Christmas or other!) Good choice!
I love this movie! You've inspired me to watch it again soon. :)
This is one of my all time favorite movies in general. I used to watch it every year in college to celebrate being finished with finals. And I thought you'd also appreciate hearing that I saw this in the theaters in London!
One of my fave all time movies... and of course you can't forget the little 11 year old with the unrequited love!! :)
I just watched this for the first time last month...I loved it!
one of my fav movies! i own it...I should go watch it!
For some reason I've never seen this! It's on my Netflix list though, because my sister loves it!
This is my VERY favorite movie! Our recessional at my wedding was God Only Knows because I love the end sequence so!!
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