Monday, March 8, 2010

A Burr In the Saddle

I was among many last night who watched the Oscars. Can I just say, I'm so happy that Sandra Bullock won?!? She's by far my favorite actress and the fact that she won was great!
Plus the fact that Keanu Reeves was there...icing on the cake. Love him!

Ok, let's talk about a burr in my saddle. It's the new show premiering at the end of the month, called Food Revolution. It was made by a guy named Jamie Oliver. Food Revolution is a show about getting healthy and showing people the proper way to eat when trying to get on track to living a healthy lifestyle. The show happened to be filmed in my hometown, which happens to also rank #1 on the list of unhealthiest cities in the United States. 
I have the feeling know the show is going to portray the town in a horrible light. From the previews, it's not looking pretty. I mean, yes, this town may be the fattest city in America and yes some of the residents may not have the greatest eating habits but that doesn't give anyone the right to make someone look like a fool. The people in my hometown are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. 

If you came to the town and had car trouble, someone would stop and offer to help you. If you were at a restaurant and realized you'd forgotten your wallet, someone would help you. If you got lost and needed directions, someone would help you. It's a town where people know each other. It's a town where people wave, hold open doors, smile on the street and bid each other a good day. 

I hate the fact that soon, people all across America will tune in and see only the portrayal of a man who came to town for a few weeks, captured his viewpoint and didn't bother to see the people behind the fat. So please, if you watch this show remember that it was done by a man who came here with very little interest in getting to know the real people of the town. That it was more than likely all about the money. 


D said...

Sorry, that your town is being exploited. It's awful that people have to exploit others to make money. Hopefully, the show doesn't last long and gets canceled. Frankly, I don't know anyone who watched it!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I love Jamie Oliver, however I know what you mean about how they portrait cities or towns or any place for that matter and make it look worse than it actually is. :( When I watch I won't judge, for sure. I will enjoy it. Just because of Jamie anyhow. haha. ;)

Happy Monday girl.

Ashley said...

I adore Sandra Bullock! I didn't watch the Oscar's because we weren't home but I stayed up-to-date on twitter.
I have seen previews for that show and thought that some of the comments were harsh. Maybe they should have used multiple cities/towns rather than focusing in on one. I live in the "fattest state", so I understand the negative generalization that goes with the stereotyping and judging.

Unknown said...

i love jamie oliver and i love that he is trying to get people healthy -- sorry, he is using your hometown as the base of his show b/c really any town could be the premise!!

i look forward to watching...and i won't pay attention to the hometown as much as what he's trying to accomplish!!

chelsea said...

I hate that because no one will ever know what the town is really like. Coming from Nashville, we get this all the time. I saw more people in Denver in boots and cowboy hats than I see here on a regular basis, but somehow that's all people think of. I'll definitely keep that in mind if I watch the show!!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

It sounds like you live in an amazing city with people who care. Maybe a little too much home cookin', but hey, life could be worse!!

Megan said...

Jamie Oliver first did this show over in England, and it was very successful. I can understand why you may feel that it would portray your hometown in a negative way, but the show is not about portraying people as "good or bad." I don't think people watching the show are going to be judging this town on how friendly, helpful or great citizens these families are, it is about changing a horrible food system and making better food choices (something EVERYONE, including myself, can work on.)

I've loved Jamie Oliver for years, and like I said earlier he really helped revolutionize the school lunch systems in England. I think it would be fantastic if he could help with that in the United States. I substitute taught for about three years and it was amazing the food that was served that was considered nutrious. Pair that with the fact in low income areas this might be the only substanial meal a child might have in a day, and I think it's a great idea!

Dollface said...

I heard about this show. Great idea... i hope it catches on!! xxxoo

Kept GRITS said...

The goal of a new show is to get high ratings. The producers, etc, will sell their souls for those ratings.
Best way to fix the problem would be if every home in the US turned off the tv for a month.

Aimee said...

That Oscars were great right. By far my favorite Oscarsw yet. And yes Sandra Bullock is great and I loved her speech.

Sorry about that show and your town. I know what its like to have people judge your town off of stupid statistics and rumors and outsiders opinions. Your town sounds like a lovely place

Drew said...

Aw, I saw that preview and I have to say I'm intrigued by the show. However, I've lived in a state that for like the last 10-15 years has consistently been ranked last or second to last in the ranking of unhealthiest states.

I have a feeling that everything that is shown on the show about your town will apply to my entire state!


PS Thank you SO much for the card! It was so cute and unexpected! Really made my day!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Also LOVE Sandy (yes, Sandy -- we are bff). So glad she won -- she's so deserving.

I am so pissed off at Jamie Oliver. I mean he comes in and shows the worst of the worst and then leaves, and then WV looks like crap, and who has it helped? NOBODY. It's harmful just to be harmful. It's deeper than some cocky British dude coming in and preaching the wonders of carrot sticks. If you've eaten country fried steak and fried tomatoes and biscuits made with pure lard for 5 generations, he's not gonna stop you from continuing to do so for the next 5. It's cultural and THAT'S what pisses me off. Eff off, Oliver.

Nicole said...

btw, i ♥ jamie oliver. i once dated a guy only because he looked like jamie oliver. true story. :)

Libby said...

The Dutch are OBSESSED with Jaime Olvier. Eeryone has his cookbooks. And when discussing meals they will say, "I think Jaime Oliver would have done blah blah blah." And I'm like, well "I don't read Dutch so I did it my own way." :-D

Unknown said...

i missed the oscars last night, i can't believe it. i'm so happy sandra won though!

Annie said...

i'm sorry to hear that your town is going to be portrayed as a bad place. it's just tv and i don't think that people would watch the show and think bad of the people that live there. at least i know i wouldn't. i haven't heard of this show but if it went into towns ripping people apart, i wouldn't watch it. if it went into towns and showed people how to eat better and tried to help them out, i'd watch it.
i'm interested to see it now.

i hope you are having a great day hun!!

p.s. thanks again so very much for the sweet card!! i heart you big time!! :)

Brittany Ann said...

I totally relate. There are a lot of stereotypes about where I grew up that people know from media. It irks me.

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Shoshanah said...

I have to say I'm excited about the show. I love Jamie Oliver, and while I'd prefer to watch him on an actual cooking show, I'm still intrigued to watch this

Katie said...

that is annoying! I hope that Jamie Oliver isnt a huge dbag and would portray the people properly!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

Now I'm intrigued! I'm definitely gonna check the show out when it comes on :)

Mary Michal said...

I'm sorry your town is being portrayed in an unfriendly manner. It sounds like you're from a really great place and anyone would be lucky to call it home.

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

Hopefully he's just trying to help, but if not, just keep in mind that the people who would form opinions on your precious town are the type of people who base their opinions on what the media tells them to think. In short, they are ignorant. Honey, I'm from Kentucky, and have heard what a hillbilly state is supposedly is. Well, now I live in Washington, and let me tell you, I've seen FAR more hillbillies and backwoods buddies out here than I ever saw in my beautiful, graceful, rich-in-hospitality, classy, charming, elegant home state! I guess the upside of that show is that the ignorant people who form an opinion of your sweet town will be too stupid to ever plan a weekend-getaway there, so you won't have to worry about stupid coming to town! :)

Carlito86 said...

I agree with MG, it's more about changing the food system not about portraying your town in a bad light. As she said, he did it over here in the UK first and it has completely revolutionised our food system re school dinners amongst other things.

And Mrs B - Loving that you went out with someone just cos he looked like Jamie Oliver!!!
