Today, is the day I leave for New Mexico. If you follow me on twitter @jmomiller, I'll be tweeting along the way! It's going to be a fun journey!
Anyways, here's the last recap of the trip.
I'm sure with all the tweeting I did and yesterday's post that you've had it with me and LA. On the 3rd day, we decided to head to the Santa Monica Pier. I got to put my feet into the Pacific Ocean and it was so much fun. I also had a great time hanging out on the pier. They have these carnival like rides and we ended up riding the ferris wheel. I also scored a really good corn dog and even saw a sea otter.

Once we left the pier we headed back to Hollywood. We went to the wax museum, toured the inside of the Kodak Theater, did some more vintage shopping and even went to a concert at Ameoba Records. Where I bought way too many dvd's to add to my collection. We also at at In & Out Burger. People let me tell you, if you've never ate at this place, you're missing out in life. It's SO good! I want/need more!!!
On the 4th day, our group split up. Half the group went to meet a 1960's/70's movie star named Kitten, who they're friends with. Since I didn't know her and the lunch was at her home, I decided it would be best if I didn't go because I didn't want to intrude. While they were eating lunch with her, we hit up the La Brea Tar Pits, did a little shopping at Trader Joes and scored some more In & Out burgers! Sadly, the next morning we had to leave...

Normally, Thursday's are reserved for Theater Thursday. Seeing as how I've had so much stuff going on, I haven't really had time to pick a movie and write a post. Normally, I do not feature movies that are in the actual theater but are out on dvd. This week, I'm making the exception. This week's featured movie is none other than Sex and the City 2.

I will definitely be in a theater tonight, in New Mexico watching this! I can't wait and I'm really hoping that Carrie doesn't cheat on big. Also... is Smith Jerad in this one? I'm hoping so! Who's going to go see it this weekend?
In and Out...Drool!!!
Sounds like you are having fun!
Your trip looked *amazing!*
I love corn dogs and burgers! I am hungry just looking at those pictures. Have a good trip!
I love that you are going to see SATC2 on your vacay!!! xxxooo
I WISH I was seeing SATC this weekend! But we'll be up at my parents' and I highly doubt the hubby will want to see it.
Is this the big move? or are you going out there to find housing and whatnot!?
I am totally not tired of reading about LA! I love seeing how a tourist views this city! Living here all my life I've never done half the stuff you did here! What part of NM are you going to? Have a great time! I'll be following your adventure via Twitter :)
I definitely haven't had it with your LA vacation recap - I've never been there, so it was a terrific way to visit without actually visiting! When I was in Vegas (way back in '06), a taxi cab driver went on and on and on about In&Out Burger... said it was the best ever, we needed to try it, etc. I'm determined to eat at an In&Out Burger one day! It's now officially on my list of things to do. Thanks for the recap! Enjoy Sex & the City!!!
Have fun and best of luck on your journey! I don't tweet so I'll have to patiently wait for updates.
Oh the pics of SM are giving me itchy fingers to book a trip. My best friend lives just north of there and we can walk down the beach to the pier. I love that area!
mmmm that food looks delicious!
I saw it last night and it was gooooood! I was a little worried it was going to be a total flop but it beat all my expectations! :)
Enjoy! Have a safe trip to New Mexico!
Oh it looks and sounds like you had a fabulous time! Should I confess that I have never had an In and Out burger? LOL
I have always wanted to go to an In and Out. Where is my picture of Brody? I have been waiting. I am going to die if you did not get a picture with him!! Can't wait for your post on Sex and the City 2.
so i think everyone will be seeing STIC2 this weekend! I know I will, with some girlies!=)
I loved Santa Monica Pier. You can't go there without going on the ferris wheel! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
mmmmm, i had in and out once on a soccer trip to california.
love the pics! i think i may be the only non-SATC fan around these parts! but i hope you love it! i love getting excited for movies. going to see robin hood tonight. mmm, men with accents. and bow and arrows. ha!
The food looks soooooooooooo good ;)
Oh man, so jealous. Everything you just described just there? I wanna go. I'm glad you're having a great trip.
I've been "watching" your pics on FB!! Awesome!
Makes me want a vacation... bad!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
So one of the things I take for granted here in CA is In N Out. I forget that only 3 states have it. Personally I got sick of it because it was my go to food in college but maybe i will go and appreciate the taste for those who cant have it.
Have fun at the movie :) Im waiting till Sunday
i miss in and out so bad!!! oh, and the pacific ocean, too! oh, to back home in cali! happy new mexico'ing to you!
I used to love going to the Tar Pits. It was always my favorite field. And yes I love In-N-Out. I actually posted about that today as well! I guess great minds think alike
What a fun trip.. and now I want a burger and I don't even ever eat burgers, lol!
AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! In n Out! I'm obsessed. You should have gotten animal style fries...oh so good.
I LOVED the Aidan years, but I am with you! She belongs with Big and will hopefully NOT CHEAT! (Of course, I am against cheating all-together anyway!)
What did you think of the movie?
OMG I am SO glad you were able to get In N Out. Double Double Animal Style = <3 No one understands just how amazing their burgers are until they eat one!
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