I mean who didn't love playing on the swing set? It was always an awesome time going up and down the slide. I can remember some great times in grade school being on the playground and standing in line waiting for my next turn on the slide.
I hope kids still feel this way! That their not hanging on recess playing with their dhs, while talking about the latest reality show.
What was one of your favorite past times as a child?
The swing set was everything to me and my older brother. We would swing as high as we could. We would eat lunch in the little fort area. I bet kids are the same today.
I loved my back yard swingset when I was a kid. It was metal I think, not wooden. But it was fun.
We played super nintendo, floated around our pool, climbed trees, and practiced gymnastics on a matress in the yard haha. I'm from a VERY small town.
I loved building forts as a kid. Heck, I kind of want to build one right now!
I loved the wooden fort swing set we had in our backyard as a kid...loved it we had the curvy slide sooo fun...Greg put up a swing set for Kelcee year before last and she is now really getting into it and we are getting her a tire swing to replace the baby swing and she loves it she calls it her playground. we put rubber mulch down and it looks so cute...she has her own playarea of fun outback, now come on warm weather so we can play LOL
Congrats to the new parents...how fun for your family....so exciting...sorry I haven't commented much I have had so much going on, I know that is no excuse but I really do read promise
I loved my swing set!! Every kid needs one!
I always wanted a swing set, and was super jealous of the kids who had one! :)
Love a good swing set.
But seriously, what is up with wooden slides, I had one when I was kid and constantly got splinters ON MY BUTT.
My favorite was going to my friend's next door neighbor to ask if we could swim in his pool. He let us all the time, how lucky were we? Oh, and picking raspberries in her grandpa's backyard. Kids were much more active when I was a kid it seems. We walked or rode bikes everywhere. You couldn't keep us inside in the summer for all of the video games in the world.
I had a swing attached to a tree in our backyard and I loved it! I would spend hours and hours swinging, in all kinds of weather.
I had a crappy metal one, but I still loved it:) And playing wiffle ball (spelling?) with the neighborhood kids!
we had a swing set in our backyard that was used almost too much, if that's possible.. but tinker toys is something we REALLY loved. We found a box set that used to belong to our dad at my grandparents' house one summer, and that became our favorite go-to toy. Guess I started liking vintage early in life! ;)
I always loved going to Ritter when I was little! I remember walking there with my class from elementary school. Those slides were so fun! Also, on our school playground, I remember swinging sideways and trying not to run into eachother!
I always wanted a swingset in our backyard. But since I never had one, I plan on reliving my childhood through my children and making sure they have one!
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