Now only 9 more months of doing the same! I think I can, I think I can! I'm down to my car loan and 3 credit cards. Which is a lot less than I started the year with. I can't wait to say that I'm finally debt free. I'm also getting one step closer to buying a house, which means a lot to me.
Is it just me or what, but do the weekends go by way too fast? This weekend I went and got my hair cut and colored. Yep... after almost a year of not cutting my hair I decided it was time. I also changed the color up a little bit and evened out the blonde.

I've also realized it's time to get back on the bandwagon of working out and not eating junk food all the time. Ekkk... now this is going to be the real challenge considering I've still got 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies sitting on the kitchen counter. I'd like to lose about 10 pounds over the next 2 months so that means actually doing some working out and self control on my part.
I picked up these at Target this weekend and I can't wait to try them.

They're getting cold in the fridge right now so I'll have to let you know what I think about them another day. I hope I get a case of the skinny soon! Haha!
Coconut water is great! I love it right out of the fridge on a hot Texas day! Also good after I had a few drinks, lol.
congrats to you about paying off the debt! thats awesome!!
and I LOVE the new hair!! Gorgeous!!
Way to go paying off the debt! It is SO frustrating and difficult. I never realized how hard it was until I spent too much for Christmas and had to pay that off. UGH. I hate debt. And student loans.
Your hair looks pretty! I love it!
I will be completely credit debt free in August and I cannot wait! I hate having that cloud over me, it's the worst! Way to go, girlie!
I second your woohoo - congrats on meeting your goals for the past three months, that's awesome! Also yes I completely agree that the weekends go by far too fast.
Your hair looks great! I've heard that the coconut water tastes really good. I hope you like it. :-)
Love the hair!! So pretty!!
Good luck on your weight loss journey, I am also trying to lose 10 pounds by the end of May, so we'll be in it together ;-) I'm excited to hear how that Zico tastes, I am very intrigued!!!! The potassium content alone was enough to pique my interest, when they took my blood in the hospital they said my levels were REALLY low. A girl can only eat so many bananas.
I would highly recommend the Insanity workout. The price tag is a little steep, but it's really an amazing workout!! I've also found walking to be highly effective, and of course Spinning...I lost 20 pounds by changing my diet, walking, and Spinning 3-4 days a week a few years ago. Of course I have to plug Spinning since I'm an instructor now. ;-)
Love the new hair!
Oooh I may have to try those as well, I need to start eating better for my boudoir shoot.
Love your hair btw.
Cute new due! I LOVE the curls on the ends! Hot mama!!
Your hair looks fabulous and YAY for paying off debt! SUCH a great feeling!
Cute hair cut! And congrats on paying of your debt! Sounds like it was a good weekend!
Cute hair cut! And congrats on paying of your debt! Sounds like it was a good weekend!
It's so great when you can see the end in sight for debt. We are really working on that too! The weekends do go soooo fast, but at least they are something to always look forward too :)
Your hair is beautiful! And good job on your money matters, you've done a lot in a short amount of time!
Good luck with the weight loss goal, 10 pounds in two months is healthy and def. doable. Just down the three boxes of girl scouts tonight, then start fresh tomorrow! LOL... seriously, I've done it (the 10 pounds in two months thing) and it's not bad at all - i basically replaced every carb i possibly could with whole wheat, didn't drink any soda whatsoever, and had granola bars for breakfast. Dinner was whatever I wanted, and I aimed for burning 400-500 calories at the gym 3x per week. 10 pounds fell off. Every body is different but i'm sure you'll succeed! :D
LOVE your hair!!
I wish I had your motivation with paying off debt. I keep trying but little things keep coming up and I can't pay off what I'd like to! Hopefully some day I will get as motivated as you :D
Your hair looks great! I need to get my cut pretty badly! And congrats on becoming closer to being debt-free!!!
Loving the hair!!!! :) And HIGH FIVE about the debt stuff!! You rock, girl!!! I think this is that time of year when we all want to get fit... I attempted a run today. Attempted. I almost died.. Okay, being dramatic, but it was tough! LOL!
your hair looks awesome! and yay for paying off debt!!
Your hair looks really good and good luck with your money saving/debt paying plan.
Congrats at paying down your debt! And the new hair looks great!
I'm excited to hear what you think of the water, sounds yummy!
Congrats on your financial goals! That is incredible!
Is coconut water supposed to help you lose weight? If so I have 2 words. Yes and please.
Your hair looks awesome! And congrats on all the debt stuff - that is awesome!!
Congrats on the savings!! Loving the new 'do... and let me know if you love the skinny water, I have been eyeing it fore months!
Wow - congratulations on cutting down your debt! That's awesome.
Love your hair :)
I dont know what skinny water is but I think I need some! and I hve heard great things about coconut water. I am headed to Target at lunch to pick up some odds and ends. I'd say this is perfect timing!
Zico is my favorite coconut water. Great for after a workout... also great after hot yoga!
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