Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top 5 Reasons To Be Excited About CA

Oh that's right! It's time for the, Top 5 Reasons To Be Excited About Moving to California! Did you think it was going to be a one time post? Oh no! There's more than just 5 reasons to be excited about moving to the Golden State!
1. Trader Joe's. Have you ever been there? It's amazing! They have so many great, healthy, organic products. The closest Trader Joe's is about 3 hours from my house so having one a 15 minute drive away is going to be perfect!
2. The Griffith Observatory. I love seeing the stars. The views at night and even in the day are remarkable from the Observatory. Most nights of the week, they have telescopes set up on the front lawn for star gazing. They also offer a museum for patrons to learn more about the sky above. If you'd like to know more about Griffith, check out a post I did on my travel site. 
3. Pink's Hot Dogs. It's a Los Angeles staple. It's been a stand alone, takeout place for almost 70 years. The line forms for hours just to get a taste of their famous hot dogs everyday. When I was there the line was so long, I couldn't wait. Hopefully, living there will allow me to bite into one of their wieners. 
4. The Staples Center. They offer everything from basketball games to figure skating to concerts. I'm sure they'll supply me with many nights of entertainment. 
5. Did I mention the beach?! Again... it's only a short drive away! 

(From the Santa Monica Pier)


JMJE said...

Now I kind of want to move to CA. I also have the sudden urge for a hot dog.

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I'm SO excited for you! I've told you several times, but I'm telling you again! :D

Courtney said...

I love Trader Joes! :) I bet you're so excited to be moving to CA!

Lin said...

All of these are just more reasons why I'll never leave CA (SoCal)!

The beach totally has to be my favorite part :)

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I would be most excited for the beach =-)

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

What will be your closest beach? I'm telling you, I thought I'd be at the beach every weekend but I guess I take it for granted now! So excited for you...hope you get some wieners soon!

Rachel said...

I love the view of LA from the observatory!

Newlywed Next Door said...

I love Trader Joes and pretty much everything you mentioned on this list!

Hutch said...

And the CA bloggers of course! I have to say I hate the Staples Center, mainly because the Lakers play there. You have an important decision on your hands living down there with sports. Become a Lakers or Dodgers fan and there could be trouble! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Pink's Hot Dogs that line is CRAZY. If I ever get that way I am going to stop by there.

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

oh i absolutely love Cali. This post has me missing Cali a lot.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I can read the excitment girl. :) Trader Joe's my favorite!!! :) And I'm sure there's going to be more posts coming...hehe. ;)


Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Heck yes! CA is the way to be!

Kerr said...

yumm hot dogs!

Claire Kiefer said...

It's true--Trader Joe's is pretty great. Especially the "Gone Bananas One Bite at a Time" frozen treats. :) But seriously--wine, cheese, all of it is so much less expensive than anywhere else.

And yes, the beach . . . will always be #1.

Aimee said...

Ok random fact... The only time I ever eat Pink's is when Im in Vegas. I know that is horrible and I shold remedy that soon.

Staples Center is a place that makes me beyond happy :) I try to go there often

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I am so excited for you!! And so jealous!!! The beach is one of my absolute favorite places on earth!!

Unknown said...

Trader Joes!! I don't have one in the state that I live in :( and probably never will since they don't allow you to sell anything but beer in grocery stores here. I'm so going to trader joes when I go to cali soon.

Unknown said...

I sent this to my sister, who just happens to be moving to CA this June

Tina L. Hook said...

I am so excited for you.

SLM said...

The beeeeach!!! So jealous. Oh, and I LOVE Trader Joes. Every time I visit my little bro in Nashville I go there at least twice, lol.

Deidre said...

I am so excited for you! Yay for California.

Amber said...

I wanna be close to a beach!

Shoshanah said...

Love traders joes! Unfortunately, I don't have one near me now, but I used to go there back in college to stock up on dorm food!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Oh I am so excited for you! And I totally saw something about Pinks on the Travel Channel, its on my list to go someday! And of course love Trader Joes!

Jenna said...

I'm jealous, I would love to live just short drive to the beach!

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Ok, clearly I have some catching up to do, but I thought you were moving to San Antonio?? Well, congrats! I hated San Antonio when I lived there anyway! ;)

Jax said...

I have ALWAYS wantd to go to the Observatory but havent yet, despite traveling there a few times! Eric and I will be up there for a wedding and we MUST go to it! I have to check out your travel site later! (I'm totally being a bad kid and commenting instead of finishing a project but must get back to it. Sigh)

Meghan said...

I am mildly obsessed with TJ's and go there every chance I get:)

Claudia said...

If you like hot dogs you should also try Wurstkuche (its not too far from Staples Center so maybe before or after a game). Also in Pasadena is Slaw Dogs which is awesome. I've heard good things and have been meaning to try Dog Haus, also in Pasadena.

I'm glad your excited about CA, particularly LA some of us here get jaded and take things for granted.