Monday, April 4, 2011

The Scoop

Incase you haven't entered my giveaway, here's the link! Enter! You know you want to win!

So last Wednesday, I posted a few photos and told all of you that I had a secret. If you couldn't guess what city the photos were taken of or the secret, well wait no longer because here's the scoop!

I'm moving to California! 
Yep, you read that right. I'm moving to golden state! Shew, there I finally said it! The secret is out and it feels good. So here's the details.... if you remember I traveled to Los Angeles last year and loved it. I didn't even want to get on the plane to come back but I did and since then the plan has always been to move. 

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I put in my transfer, talked to 3 HR departments and now I'm playing the waiting game. I've got my transfer in and a tentative idea of when I'll be moving. However, what's really frustrating is not knowing the specific dates, knowing where I'll be living in the city and not having more than 2 boxes packed. 

I kind of know when I'll be moving 2,500 miles away to the other side of the country but from my understanding I could be called any day and have only 60 days to be there for work. So I've been purging belongings that aren't worth the move and getting the stuff ready that I can. 

I am SO excited though! I'll be working in Long Beach and living in the surrounding area of Los Angeles. I'll be near the beach, tons of great vintage stores, grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and a fast food stop away from In & Out burger. Who wouldn't be excited!?!? 

At the same time though, I'm a little nervous. I'll be learning everything new again. Where to get my groceries, the most convenient gas station to my house, places to hang out, eat, shop, see a movie, etc. How I'll spend my off days, trying to meet new people.... to say the least. So I think it's only natural to feel a little nervous and scared. 

So any tips on neighborhoods, apartments, etc. give them to me! And I hope you guys will enjoy my adventure in the coming months!


Rachel said...

I don't know much about Long Beach, that's so awesome that you're moving to Cali!! I love it there!

Angie said...

wow! congrats on the big move! That is so exciting!

saucyminx410 said...

That's so exciting! I've never just picked up and moved - and now that I'm married probably never will - that's awesome though- good luck on this adventure - can't wait to hear about it!

JMJE said...

Wow, that is awesome and very exciting. Good luck with everything!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I think this is so brave of you, I can't imagine doing something like this. It's going to be an amazing experience!

rena said...

I don't have any recommendations but just wanted to say congrats!! THat is so exciting! I'm sure you'll figure everything out!!

Steph said...

Oh how exciting! I bet you are so pumped.

Erin said...

That's so exciting!!

Kelly said...

I moved 10 months ago and I'm still getting used to the city! But I'm so happy for you girl! What an exciting time in your life :)

The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

How exciting!! I couldn't imagine doing something like that but it sounds amazing!!

Sorry, I've never been so I have no tips but i wish you lots of luck.

Brittany Ann said...

That is so so so exciting! Congrats!

Pamela said...

I think it's so awesome that you making this move!!! Good for you! I can't wait to hear about all the new "crazy shenanigans" you get into out on the west coast!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Huge move, but you can do it! Soon you wont' even remember what it was like to be in WV. :) Congrats again!

K said...

So exciting! I loved Cali but its so expensive!

You are going to LOVE long beach!

Hutch said...

That's so very exciting!!! A lot of my recommendations would depend on where you're living (not an easy city to travel between the various areas during the week). Once you find a place let me know!

Unknown said...

So exciting! Congratulations!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations!! That is super exciting! You're so adventurous that you'll have plenty to do and no time to worry. :)

"Cookie" said...

What a fun, exciting new adventure!! Good luck getting all the kinks worked out. Can't wait to hear more!! :)

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Start with Twitter and Blogs! I've started developing relationships (if you can even call them that) with Albany NY area peeps, and it's awesome. Start reading your new newspaper online, too.

Anonymous said...

YOU AND ME BOTH GIRL!! Yay!! This is so exciting and I am so happy for you!! I will be about an hour and half away from you :] Good luck with everything!

ag. said...

That's so exciting! Good for you for making the move! Good luck...looking forward to all your new adventures! :)

krystal said...

I think this is great! I have never been to CA before, but I think a change will do you good. :) Good luck, congrats, and woooo hooo!

chelsea said...

Wow, so exciting!!!

SS said...

Wholly schmokes! That's exciting news. I've been contemplating running away to the sunshine myself.

Newlywed Next Door said...

Yay for Cali-forn-i-a!!! :)

Unknown said...

That's so exciting for you! I know how you feel, we're waiting to hear back from the Peace Corps. It's hard not knowing where exactly you'll be in a few months so it's hard to plan life. It has kept us from buying a lot of things though!

JG said...

Wow, so exciting! Good luck with working on everything coming together. I'm sure it will all work out!

Aimee said...

I kind of spoke about this before but yay!! Soooo Long beach is an awesome city because you are close to LA and to OC. you are near the beach and about 20 minutes away from disneyland.

I would say certain parts of Long Beach are nice. Depending what side of long beach you are working in you should check out Los Alamitos (and I can give you some great advice on where to eat and shop), cypress, lakewood, or torrance, san pedro, or long beach for where to live. I think you will find that these are more budget friendly than Seal Beach, redondo beach, and other parts of LA.

You will have a blast living in CA and if you need advice on where to grocery shop I would say Trader Joes, Fresh & Easy, and Stater Bros are always good. Also BevMo for your alcohol...Its like a playground for adults. Gas is more expensive here so i would say reseatch before you venture out and get gas. is my favorite.

Seal Beach is a quieter beach. Want to go people watching do Venice. Want a cleaner beach venture out to the OC beaches like Newport Beach.

Um restaurants...well I can give you a pretty good list

Super excited for you:)

Nicole said...

ohmygoodness! congratulations! i know it's scary to pack up and leave everything you're familiar with - but you're a strong woman! how exciting. :)

tootie said...

Congrats! What a fun place to be going to! :)

Samantha said...

I'm so glad for you!!! :) Can't wait to see what comes next

Alison Kinsey said...

this is the most exciting thing ever! California is amazing, and I still to this day want to move back, it left such an impact on me! good luck to you girly!!! Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the LA area, otherwise I'd offer up some tips!

Eric said...

Congrats! I know Nicole can offer help on neighborhoods, restaurants, things to do, how to save money, etc. (yes, I just volunteered her lol). I'd be happy to help too. Good luck

Deidre said...

This is so exciting! I am so happy for you!!

soon you'll have that amazing moment when you suddenly realise you understand your new city and wonder why you were nervous in the first place!

SLM said...

WOW that is HUGE news!!!! I'm so excited for you. I love moving, it's so fun to explore new will have such a blast!!!!

Claire Kiefer said...

Yay!!! I LOVE California (even though I'm almost 6 hours away from so-cal) and you will too! It's beautiful here pretty much always. :) Congrats! This is gonna be so exciting.

And Carrie from This Free Bird lives in Long Beach, so maybe she can give you pointers on restaurants, grocery stores, etc. xoxo!

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the move!! You will love living in California!! It's the best :)

Meghan said...

Ahhhh! Congrats! That is fantastic news! I am so happy for you!

Shoshanah said...

I know I've said it before, but I'm so excited for you! I love the LBC! How's the apartment search going? I'm guess you haven't been able to find anything actual in Long Beach, since you mentioned living in the surrounding area?

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news and so exciting!! Good luck with the big move!

Candace said...

omygosh! Congratulations, girl! What an exciting opportunity for you! I have never been to California; but I have always wanted to go. Cross country moves are exciting! We had a blast making ours. Best wishes to you! I pray that everything goes smoothly. It's going to be fun to follow along with you. :)

CB said...

Wow, that is so exciting! A big move is very scary but it is also so liberating ... to know that you CAN do it and that you can start a new life in a new city. What an adventure!

Tina L. Hook said...

Congratulations! How exciting.

Big moves are always scary but very much worth it. Just be patient and it will all come together.

Drew said...

That is so exciting!! Congratulations!

Michelle said...

Congrats on the move!! I love California! The last time I visited I didn't want to leave either! I'm so jealous that you now get to call Cali your home! Congrats again!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

How super exciting! I'm beyond happy for you girl. :) We definitely have to get together for a drink once you are there, and once I am back there too. :) Woooooohoooooo! ;)


Jax said...

This is SO exciting!!!!! I am so happy for you and this new adventure! And you have a good view of it all. I mean, you know it'll take you awhile to meet people, there will be ups and downs, etc.. but all in all, a great decision!! :) Maybe try looking up any young professional organizations out there now...or alma mater alumni chapters...etc.. That might help ease into it if you've emailed some folks and maybe have a couple ways to meet people before you move out there! Plus, I bet they could help with any info on housing!

Llama said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is sooo exciting! Congratulations! So happy for you!

love jenny xoxo said...

wow youre moving!?!? how exciting!! I'm not sure where you are living right now... and I feel like it should!!!

I'm sure you will love LA!!


Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Oh my gosh how exciting!!!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Oh my goodness, HOW exciting!!!!!!! I did a 3,000 move and it's hard but SO worth it!

Unknown said...

OMG - congrats! That is so exciting! I love California and I'm so jealous you are moving. What a great adventure!

Tamara said...

What a BIG move! I wish you the best on your move and new lease on life. Wow, see what I miss when I don't read blogs for a while! Good for you for making such a big change in your life and going for it with open arms and an open heart!

Kerr said...

congrats!! I am way behind on my blog reading but this is so exciting!

Claudia said...

I was born and raised in SoCal and had such a hard time finding a place to live. Searching online is really frustrating I'd suggest driving around a neighborhood you are interested in and looking out for signs.
I recently went to the spa in Long Beach and noticed a lot of for rent signs. I HIGHLY recommend living as close to work as possible because SoCal traffic might make you regret moving here.

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

SO excited for you! Moving can be a little intimidating at first, but hang in there, and you will LOVE your new surroundings! I hope all goes well--I'm sure it will!!