Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

It's been awhile since I linked up for Top 2 Tuesday but this week's topic was too good to pass up!
Top 2 Things You Collect!
1. Saint Candles
No, I'm not uber religious and no, I am not catholic. However, I do love Saint Candles. I don't know if it's all the bright colors and designs or what but I love adding to my growing collect. I think I about about 15 right now. 

2. Movies!
Hello?!? Remember my giant post talking about my Not So Secret Addiction of dvds ?! I have over 1,000 movies and the collection just keeps on growing and growing! What's pictured isn't even all of them!


SLM said...

Oh my gosh...your dvd collection...WOW!!!!!!!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

I love both of these collections. Man I thought I had a lot of DVDs you have me beat but on the upside you never have to worry when there isn't anything good on TV!!!

I just collect owls... lots and lots of owls. I used to collect dolphin crap along time ago but I got burned out on it.

I love the Saint Candles!

P.s. Thanks for tweeting this post I am so behind in all the blogs I follow its nice to have a quick reminder I haven't been by in so long!

krystal said...

I wear a saint bracelet and I'm not catholic either. Just something about it is comforting, maybe the colors, not sure! :)

star said...

I collect Coach purses and movies! Those saint candles are beautiful! My mom used to burn those back in the day when my parents were practicing Catholics!

I'maNolaGirl said...

You are your very own Blockbuster! That's amazing. What's your favorite new release?

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I always like seeing saint candles in the grocery store, they're pretty!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Hehe, I remember your fun movie post. I'm still jealous of all your DVDs. ;)


ag. said...

Oh my husband would be so jealous of your movie collection! He collects them too but isn't anywhere near your thousand!

JMJE said...

I wish I had that many dvds.

Anonymous said...

Your movie collection is amazing! I collect pig figurines - I only have ten or so but it's a work in progress.

Sandra said...

is that seriously a picture of all your candles? Wow!!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Oh my gosh I am beyond impressed by your DVD collection!

Amber said...

Wait, is that pic of those movies your picture or one you googled?!

My mom use to collect those candles when I was a kid.. I think she just liked them too :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh i collect movies too ha but clearly my collection isn't as massive as yours haha! great post girl! xo

Unknown said...

Your movie collection is insane! Man, have you seen all of the movies that you own?