June 17, 1984 is when I came screaming into the world. Since then I've been tooting my own horn, marching to the beat of my own drummer, creating my own strides and all that other jazz. If I wished for one word on how I'd like people to describe me, it would be unique.
I've always said I'd rather be viewed as different than blend in with everyone else.

I'm one more year closer to 30 and guess what? I don't care! It's off to Dollywood I go!
I already said it on FB but again, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday! Many, many congratulations! Have a great day and eat loads of cake (or birthday cake flavoured ice-cream!!)!
Andrea x
Aw, happy birthday! Hope it's your best one yet!
(Also, screw 30. . . 30 is SO the new 20)
Happy Birthday my dear! Hope you have lots of fun!
How cute are you!? Happy Birthday girl! Hope it's one to remember!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy, happy Birthday to you! I forgot that our birthdays were a day apart. Thanks for the bday wishes on facebook.
Hope you have a great one!
Happy, happy Birthday to you! I forgot that our birthdays were a day apart. Thanks for the bday wishes on facebook.
Hope you have a great one!
Happy birthday girlie!!! Wishing you all the best now and always... xxooo
Happy birthday!!!
Those are adorable photos! And I love your insight...keep being you! Hope it's a great birthday!
Happy Birthday!! On a Friday, lucky you... enjoy the weekend.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you get your picture with Dolly!
Happy birthday girl! Have a blast at Dollywood. That's right around my odl stomping grounds! Enjoy.
Happy Birthday!! You were such a cute baby! LOL :)
Dear Jennifer, Happy Birthday! May you continue living a beautiful and unique life!
Happy Birthday lady!! I'm with you- who gives a "hoot" about 30! Enjoy your day. :)
Happy Birthday!!!
Oh good grief look how cute you are!! Happy birthday to you, oh and for the record, the 30's are fantastic!
Happy Birthday doll!!! Hope you had an amazing birthday. :) And girl, I love the second picture of you...you look so engaged in toughts and all. Looks way too funny.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope it is the best one yet :)
happy birthday darling! I hope you're still enjoying it! I know if my birthday was on a Friday I'd party it up all weeked :) lol well wish ya the best!
Awww HAPPY HAPPY Birthday! I hope you had an amazing one! You deserve it girl!
Luke and I say happy birthday!!!!!
So ridiculously adorable!!! Happy Birthday!!
30 isn't so bad. promise!
Happy Birthday sweetie! You are the cutest little thing!
Looking forward to the Dollywood post!!! Hope you had a blast! And again, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY!!!!
love the pic of you as a kid - the dress is adorable!
Happy birthday to YOU!!! You just look beyond cute in that little red hat and dress!
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