Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Already November?!?

Am I the only one who can't believe it's already November? Where has this year gone? It feels just like yesterday that I was making my goals for 2011 and now we're only 53 days away from Christmas and the end of the year. Wow!

Yesterday was the end of October and it brought with it Halloween. I didn't dress up this year and frankly I was fine with that. I did however, carve a pumpkin!
As you can tell, I have major skills *note the sarcasm*. I think if I ever became super rich and didn't have to work, I'd take one of those ice sculpture classes to learn how to carve those bad boys!

Now that November is here, I can officially say that I've been Christmas shopping hardcore for the last few weeks. Now that it's November, I'm going to have to step up my game. I've got a few more people to buy for this year that I didn't have last year and I'm OK with that. Love the new people in my life.

I also need to buckle down and keep my nose in the books. If I'm going to meet my reading goal for this year then I'm going to need to read and read and read some more.

I have an out of town wedding in less than two weeks and I still have nothing to wear. Yep. No idea! HELP! It's in Alabama and it's in the afternoon. Someone tell me what to wear. I literally need to go shopping this weekend and see what I can find. I've been eyeing some stuff from the Express catalog that came in the mail the other day.
Here's to a good month friends!! 


Kristen said...

I cannot believe it is November either.... where did this whole year go?!!?!?

And I LOVE that sequined dress....

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

We failed to carve a pumpkin this year. We wanted to but didn't. :( Glad you got to do it though. And about the wedding...wish I could help. I have no idea when it comes to getting dressed up for such an event. :( Hope you find a cute dress soon.

Deidre said...

I know, I can't believe how quickly November came around as well! It's totally crazy. I quite like that blue dress!

tootie said...

Cute dresses! I especially like the blue one :)

Adrienne said...

This year is FLYING! I love the blue dress :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I seriously cannot believe it's November. How did that happen!?

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Australia said...

I can't believe it's November either! I spent 8 months in Fiji, I've been back in Australia for 2 months but it doesn't feel like it at all! We're off to Timor Leste early December and will be there for Christmas, so no presents for anyone except the hubs this year! Everyone gets a nice Christmas card though :)

(Sorry I'd be no help at all about the wedding outfit!)

Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights said...

OOH! So many exciting things going on - Christmas gifts and weddings and reading!!! I am officially jealous! :)

Fall weddings are so hard to dress for! I can't wait to see what options you end up picking out and/or what you wear!

Happy Tuesday! XOXO

Unknown said...

It's November! Dang, it makes me sad that I'm missing the holidays. But I'm sure we'll figure out something fun to do here for them. I vote for the blue express dress, that would look awesome on you.

AC Quigley said...

I don't think your pumpkin carving skills are too bad at all!
You must be thrilled to be able to start Christmas shopping seriously now - even I've started to think about presents!
The sequined dress is fab...