Monday, November 7, 2011

A Little of this, A Little of that.

Oh my goodness friends! Can you believe it's already November 7th? Where is the time going?

On Friday, I got in more of the Christmas spirit. I did a little bit of shopping and I started wrapping the presents that I've already bought over the last few weeks. I also started listening to Christmas music. There's a radio station that has already started playing Christmas tunes 24/7.

I also went and saw Puss In Boots.
I'm not usually a fan of these kinds of movies but it was really cute. 
On Saturday, I headed out to get a few errands done and ended up at one of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby. For real, I have a deep love affair with Hobby Lobby. I had a gift card for them so I got some cute stocking holders but I'm still on the hunt for a tree skirt. 
I'm trying to find a gingerbread or candy type tree skirt. If you see one out somewhere, let me know! After a little shopping, I went to see my Uncle Kenneth and his wife Amy's baby, Olivia. She was a week old on Saturday and still just as cute!! 
Pardon my overly excited facial expressions
After getting my baby fix in, we headed to one of my favorite places to eat....
Yum!! Of course I got the pork chop and hashbrown casserole. Hope you had a good weekend friends!


Stephanie said...

We r living parallel lives right now! LOL Christmas thoughts and baby obsession:) Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

love Hobby Lobby and Cracker Barrel

Anonymous said...

love Hobby Lobby and Cracker Barrel

star said...

We're taking my niece to see Puss in Boots on Friday! Im already listening to Christmas music too!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Man I haven't been to Cracker Barrel in FOREVER! Makes me hungry!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

look at that gorgeous head of hair on that sweet baby!! If that doesn't give you baby fever, I'm not sure anything will ;)

Meagan said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

the picture of you and the baby is the most precious thing i have ever seen!!

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Australia said...

I've had a case of baby fever quite badly lately (and I haven't even been around a baby! Hash brown casserole? Now that is something I have to try!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Yay for Christmas music!!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I was debating on whether or not to watch Puss in Boots...maybe I'm gonna give it a try. We'll see. :)

Love your expression with Olivia. She's such a cutie!!!

Impulsive Addict said...

I was at Hobby Lobby this weekend too! I love that store. But I'm not very crafty. Maybe someday I'll be better in the crafting department.

What a cutie pie! Love the facial expression!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cracker Barrel. You can't go wrong eating there!!

JMJE said...

I love the Cracker Barrel hashbrown casserole. Looks like you had a nice weekend.

Ashley said...

Precious baby!!

I really want to see Puss in Boots. It looks so cute!