Wednesday, September 5, 2012

San Francisco Bay

A few days after moving into the house... 4 days to be exact, Shayne and I decided to head over to San Francisco for the day. Luckily, SF is only about 2 hours away and is an easy drive from Sacramento. The first few nights in the house we had been watching the Dirty Harry movies. If you've seen the films then you know that their set in San Francisco. Soooo.... of course we found a few of the filming locations and visited them!

First up was the street where Clint Eastwood is seen watching Hot Mary. 
Next up we stopped by the Condor Club. This would be the strip club/bar where Clint goes inside.
We went more PG after the Condor club and saw the Church where the priest refuses to back down with a hit on his life. 
It was really fun to see a few of the locations that was used in filming Dirty Harry. I had never seen the movies till that week so they were all really fresh in my mind. After walking around a bit we started to get hungry so we hopped into a little pizza shop. I wish I would have got the name but I didn't. It's over by City Light Books if you ever want to go to it. As you can see... the slices were HUGE!
We also stopped over and saw the famous Painted Ladies...
and of course we could see Alcatraz when we were over by the Golden Gate Bridge...
I was freezing if you can't tell from this photo. It was pretty chilly with the wind. While we were in the city we also visited City Light Books, the home where Jefferson Airplane lived and Ameoba. I always love Ameoba's dvd section! All in all I thought it was a pretty nice day. If you've never been to San Francisco it should definitely be on your must see list. 


Anonymous said...

love all the pics. I pray that I will be able to come out for a visit.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I am SO jealous, I need to come visit you!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I miss SF so much! :( Crap it. :( HAHA, your pics are perfect for a little "home sickness" ;)


Meghan said...

I love San Fran! I am jealous that you are so close!

Unknown said...

This makes me want to go back to San Fran! I'm so sad we ended up missing each other last time we were both there.

Kristin said...

I feel like san fran is always freezing!

Anonymous said...

ahhh my favorite city!