It all started with a little trip to World Market to find some candy theme ornaments for my mom's new tree that she's starting. I walked away with two ornaments and these guys...

I had never bought a Christmas nutcracker until this year. I had always thought they were a little creepy and usually hideously ugly. However, there was something about these little guys that I just thought was too cute. I saw Jesse the cowboy sitting on the shelf first. Since I have a major life connection with the movie Romancing the Stone and the main character in Joan's novels is named Jesse, I knew I had to buy it. Then I couldn't let Jesse just sit in my house alone so of course I bought five. Did I mention they were on sale?
Then I thought, well I've already bought five maybe I should get a few more in the collection. So I returned to World Market and came home with these guys...

At this point I had bought 11 nutcrackers and since there was only 18 in the set, I figured I might as well go for the whole collection. So I returned to World Market a few days later and picked up the remaining ones that I didn't have to add to my collection....

So in total, I've got 16 nutcrackers. There is 18 in the set and I'm missing two! Only two! I've called all three World Market's in my area and NONE of them have the two I need. So I've enlisted the help of some of my friends to see if they can hunt down the two I need at their local World Markets. Normally, I would just go to their website and order them but sadly you have to buy them in sets of three and I already have the other ones in the sets. So I'm patiently waiting to see if they can find them!
Incase you were wondering, I need the Scottish guy playing bag pipes and the Mexican one wearing a poncho and sombrero. In the meantime, they guard my fabulous candy tree....

Dang... all of the World Markets by me closed =-( Otherwise I'd totally look for you.
Oh those are so cool!
Oh my gosh, I love them!!!
I had never been to a world market until last year at Christmas! These guys are pretty cute - and I love that you have them guarding your tree.
Love them! What a great collection!
How cute!!! I love your white tree!!
Ahhh, I love how you have them placed under the tree! :)
Well if I make it to the World Market in my area I'll keep an eye out for it. I can't wait to see how you choose to dispaly them.
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