Every Saturday, I'm
going to try and post five things that made me smile during the week. Often I
find myself getting caught up in the small stuff but this year I'm making an
effort to be conscious of it. This year is about being happy and finding
happiness even in the small things! Want to join me? Go ahead and post your
Saturday Smiles!
1. The countdown to vacation is in single digits.
2. Rain. California needs it hardcore and we've been getting it this week!
3. Completing 30 Before 30 tasks.
4. Acidophilus. Totally saves my stomach when it's feeling upset.
5. Matlock on dvd.
So what's making you
smile this week?
My workout high totally makes me smile!
Take me on vacay with you!!!!
Was so happy to hear you guys finally got some much needed rain!!
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