Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekend Update

I came home the other day to flowers "just because". Those are the best kind of flowers. Thank you beezy.
It rained my entire three days off work but I was completely OK with that. I spent the time cleaning, getting the house in order and working on one of my 30 Before 30 projects. I also started watching a new show for me... Game of Thrones.
Naturally, I started with season 1. I'm three episodes in and so far my opinion could go either way. It's interesting but I find some parts just so odd. I guess I'll have to keep watching and see what happens. Seasons 1-3 are sitting in my house so I'll have to keep on watching to make my final judgment.
Remember the vintage inspired hat that I ordered for my trip? Well it was backordered and it hasn't shown up. Since it probably won't come in time for my vacation to Puerto Rico, I did the next best thing. I went and got myself another hat. This one is two tone. It's pink and natural tan. Plus it was only 10.00 dollars. Can't beat that! It'll do for this vacation.
Now the countdown to vacation is really on!


Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Love your hat girl!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Bummer on the hat but I like that one on you lady!

Miranda said...

We finished up the most recent season of Game of Thrones in 1 weekend..LoL. It's hard for me to watch some scenes, but we are a little hooked on it! LOTS of twists and turns!

LOVE the hat! :) It looks super cute on you :)

Nicole said...

Pretty flowers! Loved all the rain got some serious cleaning done :)

Meghan said...

I know a ton of people who watch GoT, but I tried to read the books and just couldn't get into them. I wonder if the show would be easier to follow!

lil desiqua said...

LOVE "just because" flowers! So sweet, and so pretty! Sorry your hat didn't come in yet, but this one looks great on you! And definitely try to keep wacthing Game of Thrones- some parts are really weird, but overall I think it's SUCH a great show!!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Beautiful flowers and love your hat! I love Game Of Throes - but it can be hard to follow at times.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I'm so glad you went and are having a fabulous day. Vacation is always needed. :)
