Today, I joined some of my fellow Phi Mu sisters in the time old tradition known as Greek Sing. What is Greek Sing you ask? Greek Sing is an event where sororities and fraternities sing and dance to music, changing the lyrics to incorporate things relating to their group and other greek members. I've been an alumni since 2006, and this year I was determined NOT to miss it. Now over the past 2 years I haven't really participated in too many events. I always go to homecomings but that was about it. I'm trying to make a better effort at being an alumni supporter. This year their theme was...the 80's. Where...the Keith Albee.
Today as soon as I walked into the Keith Albee, I became surrounded by the Marshall Greek community. It brought back so many memories, good and bad. It brought back the hours and hours of practice, dancing, singing and preparing for greek sing (which for those of you who don't the crown jewel of greek week). Participating in every sport even if had never played it before that day, wearing letters every day of the week, washing your number shirt each day before another event, staying up till the wee hours of the night making signs. Those are just a few of things that go on during greek week. I remember lots of stress and being tired. What I remember most though is the fun, crazy times that occurred during not only those greek weeks but throughout all my years in Phi Mu.
So today as I sat there watching all of them, I couldn't help but realize that somethings will NEVER change. The people and places may be different but all the elements are still the same. The frats are still burning things, the girls are still calling them out in song and the love/hate relationships are still there as well. I'll never forget the people who were in my life during that time. When I think about it, I look back and smile.
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