Monday, May 25, 2009

Yum! I'm eating a big plate of Crow!

Ok ok.......I admit it. I said that I couldn't stand the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I read the first one and was NOT impressed. I still stand by that comment. However, I have a lot of down time at work and someone had the second book so I read it. I don't know what happened but all of the sudden, it wasn't too terrible. I read it in 2 days. I'm now on the 3rd one and I'm almost finished. Before I go on my vacation (which starts Wednesday at 9:30am!) I need to go get book 4 because I only have about 20 more pages of Club Dead. 

For all you Sookie Stackhouse lovers out there, is the True Blood show any good?
I don't have HBO so I hate to go buy the whole first season and it blow.

Memorial Day's raining non stop. The family BBQ got postponed (to a day I'll be out of town) and I worked for 8 hours. FUN TIMES! BUT for me it always means Summer is here!


Jessica said...

Rent it! I LOVED it. I haven't read the books yet, so I can't really compare. But the was great. Maybe not the best southern accents on the show.. but hey..

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I've been looking into the books because I've heard so many people on here say they liked it, although I have heard several comments like yours about the first one! Now I have more books to add to my mental "to be read" list! :)

Rachael said...

I've never heard of Sookie Stackhouse, but Mr T actually just ordered Season 1 of Trueblood, so I'll let you know how it is.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I will one day get to these books!

Jon and Steph said...

I LOVED the show! It's my favorite on HBO!

So glad to hear that you are liking the books ;)

Anonymous said...

I read the books, and loved them. We just rented True Blood and my hubs and I are both in love with the show, too. We're actually getting HBO now to watch it. Haha.

The Mrs. said...

I'm like you, I read one and kinda thought "eh" but I read another and another and now I love her! This series true blood is news to me. I shall look into this....

Mrs. Mootz said...

I felt the same way about book #1. My sister let me borrow all of the books, but because the first book didn't exactly float my boat I have yet to crack open number 2.