-I wanted to sleep in. My eyes popped open at 7am.
-I got in the shower and washed my hair. The power went out as I was mid blow dry session.
-I'm going to the movies tonight & since the movie starts a 9:50 & I work till 9:30 I wanted to get my tickets this morning. I drive to the theater. The box office was CLOSED.
-I wanted to eat a hot breakfast because I haven't for the past 5 mornings. No power...no electric range.
Seriously, I was Lt. Dan this morning from the shrimp boat scene in Forrest Gump. The scene where the giant storm comes and Lt. Dan is swinging from the top of the boat screaming at the heavens.
Pray that the rest of my day gets better and that the movie is awesome.
Uhh, our days are eerily alike so far...
I go to work at 1pm (off at 9:30), I was woken up extremely early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I wish I could say I was woken up on my own, but no. A certain boy decided to text me at 3am and pick a fight.
Omg I love LT Dan... now you've got me craving Bubba Gump's restaurant before noon.
AWE! I'm sorry your day has been so bad so far. The comparison to Lt. Dan was pretty funny though. LOL. You poor thing. Days like that shouldn't exist.
I'm sorry girl! But you know what I love about you? Everytime you post about something crappy that happened to you, you always find some way to at least try and get one laugh in there:) You're your best medicine! Loved the Lt Dan correlation:p I hope this day turns around for you! I would have totally put you in a good mood today seeing as I'm bouncing off the walls with excitment:p See my most recent post:)
I hope your day gets a LOT better!!! And you know some movies that's for sure! LOL
Sucky way to start a Friday, but sounds like you are already seeing the humor in it. It will get better and you'll be able to sit back and enjoy a movie tonight. What are you seeing?
I'm thinking of a little cartoon I have that says "Boys suck. Throw rocks".
At least you get to end the day with a movie. Maybe you're day can't get worse? I will hope not.
Awe, what a terrible morning! Keep your head up, though. Pull off a chic messy bun with that hair of yours, go get a hot mcmuffin, and order your ticket online (at work, of course, where there's power). As for Matt, well, time will tell, but wink at the next cute guy you see and I bet you'll feel better : )
I'm so sorry you are having one of those days! I really hope that it gets better and soon!
Now I want to go watch Forrest Gump....
Awww I hope the rest of your day goes much better. I hate icky days like that.
That sucks about today, hopefully tomorrow is better! And what movie are you planning on seeing? My guess since you mentioned Tom Hank's Forest Gump is Tom Hank's Angels and Demons?
Sorry to hear you had one of those days. Hopefully all will work out with you and your guy. Boo on him for making you ride a roller coaster of emotions.
I hope your day gets better!
I definitely had one of "those" days earlier this week!
I realize this day is over but stay positive... we can't help the crap life throws at us, all that we can do is deal with it- might as well be happy/positive! =)
Hope things turned around for you!
I hope your weekend has been better than your Friday was!
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