Saturday, September 19, 2009

Out on a limb

I'm just gonna say it. Are you ready for this? Earlier this week I came across one of the greatest websites ever. EVER! Get a pen. Are you ready? Write this down. 

Seriously. I laughed so hard while reading some of them. The texts are categorized into good nights, bad nights and random. Seriously. great. 

You must check it out!


hmb said...

I found that site a month or so ago. My favorite one was something like "last night I had a dream that I was the one that shot Biggie".

Jessie said...

I've seen that! freaking hilarious!

Ashley said...

I love that website!!

DeAnna said...

oh i totally forgot about that sight!! hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Hhahah, I love this website. It is so perfect anytime you start having a bad day, just have a look and suddenly you are laughing so hard - your crying. Glad you found it too.

The Queen of Clearance said...

A girl in my class just told me about this yesterday! I had never heard of it...and Ive still never been to the website but she read me off her favorites. lol.

Carrie said...

I've saw that site. It's freaking hilarious. :)

Kristen said...

I LOVE that website... it has been on my favorites list for a while. Always good for a laugh :) Happy weekend to you!

Katie said...

hahaha love this site!

The Peach Tart said...

Oh I love this site.

Karie said...

Some people at work were talking about that the other night. haha. I'll have to check it out.

Cassandra said...

Hahah very funny :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! That and Best websites ever.

Annie said...

ha! i love that site. i used to read it before my blogging days! it's hilarious!!

Erin said...

I must say that site is neck and neck with peopleofwalmart

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I've seen that one! It is a goodie! Have you seen the people at walmart site that's been floating around the blog world. Also hilarious!

Kpod said...

That site is pretty hilar. I don't know if I spend more time laughing or cringing!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

That site is so funny, makes me wish texting was big when I was in my crazier days. I could have had a few to put on that site. PS It's sad that my crazy days were BT (before text). That must mean I"m old :(

Shannon Dew said...

LOVE that site. It's so addicting though, I could spend hours on it!

Heather said...

I can't wait to check this out! I love a good laugh!

lola said...

haha, that site cracks me up :)

Becky said...

This website has been a go to for me all summer! It is pretty funny. Seriously, just to sit and read some of the stuff people say. They also have a twitter, you should follow them.