I started thinking about what I want to put on my "Wish List" for Christmas. Below is the top 5 items on the, I want it, I need it, I have to have it! Wish list. They are in no particular order.

The Slap Chop & Graty! Everytime I've seen it in stores there's been no accompanying Graty! This girl needs both!

The Sound of Music Soundtrack. I adore this movie! I have it on dvd, now I just need the soundtrack to jam out to!

A Clocky! Have you seen these? This is a fabulous alarm clock that WILL make you get up! After you hit that snooze button once, it will jump off the surface and you have to chase it to turn it off!!!! A-MAZING!
Mad Men Season 2. I fell in love with season 1 and sadly I haven't seen any of 2. I refuse to watch it on tv because I want to make sure I watch it in order. Plus I already have season 1 on dvd. Why not add to the collection?

This silver cuff bracelet is HOT! On the inside it says, "I will travel down the path of my dreams". I want it the most actually!
So there you have it. My top 5 items I'd like for Christmas. What's yours?
I love those silver cuffs...gorgeous!
I love the alarm clock idea. I think I need one of those but it would probably end up making me mad.
Those silver cuffs are beautiful. As for the chopper, make sure it's a good quality one. I have one but all it really does is mash things up, never actually chops. Disappointment.
The bracelet is gorgeous!
Everytime I see the slapchop and graty on tv, I think about you haha! I think those silver cuffs are really cute too! :)
Omg, that alarm clock is nuts! If it showed up in my house it would go in the trash immediately! No thank you! Haha
I like the silver cuffs, super cute!
I've never heard of the slap chop (I know I'm behind). I must go look it up.
I hope you get them all, you deserve them. :)
cute cuffs... not so sure about that alarm clock though... I feel like it will run over me in bed!! xxxoo
that alarm clock would drive me crazy!! haha!!
loving the silver cuffs though, so pretty and i love the saying on it!! perfect for you :)
i love sound of music too!!
it's a classic :o)
the cuffs are beautiful!!
You totally stole my, "I want it wednesday"... :-p Minus the fact that it's friday! I'm just kidding girl, we all have christmas lists!
I think I want the slap chop/graty combo too! URG.
In theory the alarm clock sounds like a great idea, but I think after the first day I wouldn't actually use it... Haha :)
I love the SoM soundtrack! I have the dvd on my list! :) (plus the husband hasn't ever seen it...seriously?)
I love those silver bracelets!! So pretty!!
Love them all! I made of too....might post about it...might not havent decided yet!
That alarm clock is great. It would defintely get me out of bed in the morning! And those cuffs are great, you could wear them with anything!
I'm looking for a new digital camera and sewing classes for Christmas! It'll be here before we know it!
Ohhhh I want that alarm clock!!!!
Ohh good post.. I may steal this idea!! ; )
And that alarm clock would immediately be broken into 1 million pieces the first time it jumped from the night stand.. and me I am too smart for it anyways.. I would put it in a box or something..lol
But the real question is do you want the Sound of Music soundtrack from the movie or the Broadway play? The play will have more songs in the soundtrack, but the movie will have the arrangements your familiar with. Quite a choice you have to make! :)
Josh has that R2D2-ish clock!! it is so funny how it runs away!!!
Once upon a time I needed an alarm clock like that. Now I just have a little one bent over my face slobbering on me whispering loudly "MAMA? MAMA!!!" So, I have a pretty good alarm now :P
Those cuffs are awesome!!! So adorable! I hope you get those and the Mad Men.
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