Don't be sad if you didn't win. I think I'll be doing another holiday theme giveaway before Christmas gets here.
So, let's talk about a woman named Kim Zolciak.

Don't know who this woman is? Let me tell you who she is...she's one of the featured housewives on Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta. Since the Atlanta version of the show aired, Kim has received a lot of flack for various things. Examples: The fact that she's not married, Is sleeping with a married man(who's separated from his wife), constantly wears a wig, drinks to much wine and won't quit smoking (I really wish you would Kim).
Now, if you've seen the show then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't there's a few things you may not know about her: She has two daughters. She's created her own wig line. Put out a hit song called, Tardy For the Party and is now traveling doing club appearances for singing. Why am I talking about her? Because through it all she's never listened to one negative thing said about her. She lets it roll off her back. I think it's amazing! The fact that she's getting her name out there and using it to promote her business ventures! I mean hello free PR! People laugh at her but plain and simple she's raking in the cash and having a good time. Do you watch the show? What do you think?
I have never seen RH Atlanta though I love O.C. and New York. Without seeing it, I have still heard a lot about her... though none of it positive or making me want to watch the show. ;) Yes, she is getting free PR but I don't know that I would appreciate that much negative PR. =)
I love the show and not just because I live in Atlanta. She has more self confidence than anybody I've ever seen.
I don't watch it, but I have heard people talk about it. I think if you get your name out there and do your thing - YOUR WAY - whatever. Everyone knows what works for them.
Congrats to the winner and have a good week!
I have heard of her, I don't care for the show though. But I do like that she is so cool about everything. I'm up to date on her and know she takes a lot of crap. Good for her for not letting it get to her! I know I let way to much go to my head when people try to talk trash and all that.
Oh, I totally disagree! I think she lives a sad, sad life. I feel bad for her kids - what kind of example is she giving them on how to lead a well-balanced life as an educated woman?
She's got her 15 minutes of fame now, but at what cost to her children and herself? I don't see her as confident but as someone with really low self-esteem.
My 2 cents!
Congrats to your winner!!
Speaking of winners....
Hooray! Email me your address and I will send out your gift bag and goodies right away :) In plnety of time for Thanksgiving!! (
I've never seen the show, but if all the characters are as unique as this one it sounds like it would be hilarious! ;) Congrats to the winner!
I'm not her biggest fan but I do think that she has some tough skin. She catches so much shit from people and she doesn't let it show how much it could bother her. She just keeps going. I think that is a great thing that a lot of people forget to do...
Congrats to the winner! I have never seen that show before, hope you are having a great Monday!
I don't watch the show, but more power to her!
I dont watch the show but I heard her song and it is horrible :) but I hate when people get down on people for making money through reality shows! Its a job that makes lots of money, I would do it if I could!
Thats the one who sings that song?! Omg its a hit on itunes, hahah xxxoo
i haven't ever watched the show...yet, i've heard of her. so, she is doing something right!!!
congrats to your winner :o)
I love all the real housewives of every city! Including ATL!
I personally think she is ridiculous, but you have a good point about her having the strength to keep going with all the negativity thrown at her.
She's bar far my favorite of the Atlanta housewives.
Love my O.C ladies!!! Left you something over my way! Go check it miss thang!!
I am going to have to start watching this show.. I did see some of the episodes I think..
I love the show. I watch all the Real Housewives. They all crack me up.
I do love Kim! BUT, how about Real Housewives of OC ---- AMAZING!!!!!! I think it puts Atlanta to shame!
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