Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is this thing on?

I feel completely overwhelmed. I have so much to do, it's not even funny. Today is my only full day off from work this week and it's jam packed. Yesterday, the weather was so nice outside! I was even able to wash my car. 

Maybe I'll just say, screw it to my list and go shopping at Hobby Lobby and Sephora instead...

For days, I've had this song stuck in my head. Personally, I love the Britney Spears version. But it's starting to drive me insane!  


Unknown said...

Hope you get everything done today that you want to!

New Girl on Post said...

I'm all about just skipping out and going to Hobby Lobby, so perhaps you shouldn't listen to me. :)

KK said...

Ahhhh good olo' pre-train wreck Britt. Remember cross roads? Hahaha great movie!

Dollface said...

loveeee Brit. :) xxxoo

Abbie said...

I hate it when the days I have off from work are filled with nothing but errand running! I say skip it all and go to Sephora!

Steph said...

Oh dear God please tell me that Brittney didn't redo this song. Please no. I'm not even going to listen.

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Boo...I hate when my days off are full of things to do!! I usually slack off and do the fun stuff...but that's just me! :)

Katie said...

I love Bspears! She is m y ringtone, and of course I went to her concert last year hahaha

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I hope you're able to catch up on your to-do list!

rena said...

I'm thinking, Hobby Lobby & Sephora! ;)

Unknown said...

I say hit up Hobby Lobby and Sephora! ha. Hope you have a great day!!

JG said...

Good luck with the list! And yeah, that song...sorry, the original is still the best. :)

JAMIE said...

Make a good to do list. Works for me every time!

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

I know the feeling! I've been out of town for four days and now I'm wondering if there is any possible way I'll be caught up by Friday. I do LOVE some Hobby Lobby and Sephora. Hope you got some things done and were able to enjoy your day! I do love Brit's version of that song as well!

Anonymous said...

I totally vote for Hobby Lobby and Sephora!!!!


Annie said...

you are too funny!
i love britney! not a fan of that song though, it would be "driving me crazy" if it was in my head ;)
i hope your day off was enjoyable!
i know what it's like to have a million places to go. i'm already feeling overwhelmed for my weekend so i'm running errands tomorrow night and friday night. why is there always a MILLION things to do?! i just don't get it.

Mrs. Ruby said...

Hang in there...this week will be over before you know it!!!

Mrs. Mootz said...

That's how my day tomorrow is shaping up to be. Luckily, one of my "To Dos" is stopping by Target. A little bit of business rolled in with a lot of pleasure :)

Juliana said...

I hope you get everything done you needed to get done, but make sure to take some time to yourself and maybe pick a new Britt Britt song to jam too!

Anonymous said...

I have had a twitter account for along time, probably longer than a blogger account
my twitter page

Unknown said...

i know how you feel, i'm overwhelmed myself! deep breaths...