The past few days it feels like all I've heard about, thought about and talked about is death, life insurance and POA. Can we say depressing? I hate talking about stuff like this. I hate to even think about it. I would much rather always have the person around than the money. What good's the money if you don't have the people/person you care about with you.
I refuse to think about it. When I get told where policies and forms are to find, I can feel my eyes glaze over and my head nodding. Granted, I change the subject as fast as possible. I just can't even think about it. HATE it.

Urgh I hated those discussions too, I understand they are necessary but they are sooo not fun
I'm sorry girl! I hope you get the forms done quick and can move on with normal day to day!
Those discussions aren't fun at all :( sorry things aren't great lady!
Stay possitive!!! it will all be better soon my love, xxxooo
I just sign and move on! its too depressing to stay stuck in that state of mind! Its friday forcrying out loud!! Kick out debbie =D
I know what you mean. I work for an insurance company and am forced to ask everyone, everyday on every occasion about life insurance. It's not a fun thing to ask about or talk about. I try to focus on the benefits of a cash value policy that gains interest and you can cash it in when you're of age or when it's mature. You can borrow money from it as well. Death isn't really a big selling point, if you know what I mean. Hope you get all of this taken care of quickly. Never a fun thring to think about or talk about but can definitely be beneficial and it's never bad to plan in advance. Good luck! :)
That is sucky stuff to have to think about, but it really is good to have it all in order and for folks to know where all that stuff is. Just get it done then get the thoughts out of your mind!
No one likes those convos, and it always sucks to have them. Try not to glaze over too much though, or at least know where the forms are. If the worst should happen you don't want to add more stress to it.
Oh girl, I hear you!
Keep your head up's almost the weekend:)
Those discussions are the worst. I know exactly what you mean about the money too. I could care less about it if it means the person I love most isn't around. :(
I hate talking or thinking about that. I know it's a part of life, but I just hate dealing with it.
me too! I even cried one time when the hubby and I were talking about our wishes
Oh I avoid them like the plague...Never talk politics or religion with friends & family.
I know. I'd much rather have had my grandma for longer than her money.
Yeah those discussions suck but it looks like you are trying to keep positive.
Hang in there girl!! Depressing but necessary I guess. We're here for you!
Ill be thinking about you! Stay positive..this too shall pass!
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