I have a personal love for this movie because it was filmed where I was born and raised. I also attended college at Marshall and spent 4 years on the fields of football twirling for the university.

Made in 2006, We Are... Marshall is the true story of the tragic 1970 plane crash that killed the entire Marshall University football team, coaches, team boosters and crew. There were no survivors and a total of 75 people lost their lives. After the tragic loss and in the wake of the tragedy, the University President wanted to indefinitely suspend the football program. Due to the pleas of the community, students and few players who didn't make the flight, he reconsiders and hires Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey) to head coach.
Lengyel aided by Red Dawson (Matthew Fox) begins the re-building of the Marshall football team. Given special permission by the NCAA to allow freshmen to play varsity football ( a rule now abolished), the team becomes known as the "Young Thundering Herd." As the team gets closer and closer to their first game of the season many people begin to wonder if they'll be able to overcome the tragedy and begin to win again, others become concerned that the memory of those lost will be tarnished.
I won't give the movie away, so you'll have to watch to find out what happens. However, if you're a history buff or know anything about Marshall football then you know what happened in that 1971 season. Again, if you've never seen this movie I urge you to see it. Plus if you look really closely in 2 scenes you'll see yours truly because I was a paid extra.
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I LOVE this movie! I cried when I saw it in theaters!
You know what they say... "Marshall Girls, Best in the World"! I love this movie, I love Marshall, and I love that I met such fantastic people when I went to school there! I couldn't imagine being a twirler - you all were always so good, I'm sure i would hurt myself if i ever tried!
I've watched bits and pieces of this movie, and I liked it. I need to add it to my netflix so I can watch the whole thing and keep my eye for ya! :)
T and I both love this movie!
Good choice. :)
This post gave me chills, just like everytime I hear about this story!
OOh yeah I really want to watch this movie. Also I really like Matthew Fox.
I seriously LOVE this movie, it was GREAT! I love the shots/ views in the beginning of West Virginia.
I never ended up seeing this movie. I'll have to check it out.
I never ended up seeing this movie. I'll have to check it out.
I have this movie in my Netflix... I definitely need to see it!
I love that movie too! The president of Marshall back then, Dedmon, because the head of Radford University after he left, and that's where I went!
I love this movie!! So now i hae to watch it again to see you. Which scenes?
Thats awesome you twirled for them! My brother and I were competitive twilers growing up. He was actually much better than I and even went on to win 3 world titles,
i saw this (which is quite remarkable considering i've seen the least amount of movies possible) and enjoyed it very much!
I've seen this MANY a time. It was just on the other day! I love this one and remember so well when it was filmed...it was so exciting!
i just watched we are marshall for the first time the other day... AWESOME movie!!
My mom was a student at Marshall when the crash happened and went to see the movie at the Keith Albee and said the entire audience left in tears.
I remember really enjoying this movie back when I saw it. Sounds like you went to a great school with a great tradition behind it.
Yah, I wanted to see it, but I still haven't...
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