Karma: is a concept in Hinduism which explains causality through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a souls reincarnated lives forming a cycle of birth.
A few examples:
-When I was in college, a giant rainstorm came and created a 3 foot by 5 foot puddle in front of the sidewalk. A car came, splashed the water up and hit the girl standing beside me like a tidal wave. Needless to say, she got soaked. That my friends is karma.
-One time in college, I had invited 5 dates to the same dance. When the next dance rolled around, I had no dates. That's karma.
But here's the thing about karma, it can come back out out of no where. I've been working on my karma for a long time. I had thought that I was doing really good and then this weekend hit. A huge bomb was dropped into my karma. I'm still trying to decipher it but I can't decide if it's bad karma or good. I even had a friend say, "steer clear of it. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot poll". So we'll see how this whole karma thing goes over the next few days.
Wish me luck, I might need it....
Good luck hope everything works out.
Luck my friend, I'm wishing you luck and steer clear of it, is it a guy? LOL....hahahah
your friend cracks me up
I am a BIG believer of Karma...I always try to have good Karma surronding me....but ya never know when the bad Karma will sneak up even if it was years ago....
Summer :0)
I'm with you girl.... What goes around comes around! Good luck.
Good luck!!!
And your karma story about the dance made me smile a bit- karma for sure!!
I'm totally feeling like my karma/mojo/whatever is out of whack. Good luck with whatever it is you're going through!
Good Luck lady!! I know ALL about Karma GOOD AND BAD! haha
Happy Monday =D
Good luck with everything! Continue to work on the good karma, it will pay off in the long run. And thanks for the post, its a nice reminder for me and everyone to work on their good karma as well. :)
I totally believe in Karma!! Good luck.
I believe in karma too, and if it has anything to do with your tweets lately then it sounds like trouble!
HEYO that was me!! Girl that was a hot effing MESSSSSS. BAD KARMA.
I don't get it. Your definition said everything spurred another action, but your examples seemed like "bad luck." bah. Hope you are doing ok!
Nervous for ya! Good luck! Wishing everything works out. I too believe in karma... I was actually thinking of blogging a post about something regarding karma so it's odd that I just read yours! *shrugs* At any rate, here's wishing you some good karma. Maybe I'll blog about my issue later this week... :)
Good Luck!
Interesting... if a friend whom you genuinely trust says to stay clear, I honestly believe you should move away!
Maybe this is what you were twittering about? Oh man, don't touch that with a 50 foot pole!
ohh karma...I agree with you 100% I also believe life is a test... sometimes..
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