Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Fall Favorites

Top 2 Favorite Things About Fall
1. The Great Pumpkin House. If you've never heard of the pumpkin house then you're missing out! It's a house that's local to me and every October they carve thousands of pumpkins and display them outside their house. They have themes which range from every state outline to sports team to religious symbols and much more. They also do music/light shows with the pumpkins. It's really a sight to see. I blogged about it last fall here.
2. Fall Foliage. I love seeing the leaves change. I love the vibrant colors and seeing all the different hues of orange and red. Since West Virginia is a mountain state, we've got tons of trees to show off the fall. It's makes the cooler temps more enjoyable and knowing that we're going into the winter months. 

I almost picked baking because because once the fall hits, I bake cookies, brownies and muffins non stop! 


star said...

Never heard of the pupmpkin house, but I'd love to see it! It looks amazing!

Abbie said...

I remember you doing a post about the pumpkin house last year! I think that is just so cool! Is the house privately owned?

And I agree with the foliage...the trees get absolutely gorgeous here in Wisconsin!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

That house is too cool! I love carving pumpking, but usually stop at 1 or 2! Those people have some serious dedication!

love jenny xoxo said...

that Pumpkin House looks amazing! and I love the fall colors too!



Libby said...

I love Halloween AND carving pumpkins. this would definitely be on my Halloween traditions list if I lived there!
Regardless, it's on my "to visit list!"

Cara said...

I have never heard of the pumpkin house either!

That is one thing I miss about the great state is the foilage in the fall! I try to make at least one trip down from Morgantown to Mingo County just to see the mountains in October/early November. You are making me homesick today :(

Bri said...

Goodness, that pumpkin house is cool! And like you, I enjoy seeing the trees lit up with natural color. This post inspired me to bring up my fall decorations and put them up! (That and the cooler temperatures we've had here in the north.) :)

Jules AF said...

I looooveeeeeee fall. Like obsessively love it.

Salt said...

My jaw just DROPPED. I HAVE to take a trip to see that pumpkin house!!! That is so awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

I love fall!

Laura said...

now that it is PAST labor day, I can finally get on the fall train! We have a similiar pumpkin specatular where we live, amazing! I can't wait to go this year!

Samantha said...

I'm with you... love the fall and all that it brings! I also love that I've been blogging and following long enough to remember you blogging about this last year! =)

Pretty Zesty said...

I am so excited for fall yay!!!

MariahSmile said...

I love both of those too! It's been a while since I've been to the pumpkin house but it looks like I'm free to go this fall since I'm not in school anymore! And the leaves are the whole reason I wanna get married outside next fall! Cheap decoration!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the Pumpkin House either! That is amazing!

I did chose the smells. :O)

Stephanie said...

That pumpkin house is wild!

Unknown said...

I LOVE watching the leaves change. I love that it's by our anniversary and we go up to a city in the mountains and all of the leaves are so pretty. That house is so stinking cool. I've never heard of it before.

Kelsey Claire said...

That house is amazing. I want to come and see it. I love the foliage. I just wish it changed here in Dallas like it does in the North East!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Yay for fall and its marvelous colors and flavors and all. :) Love the pumpkin house...never seen it in reality though but love just looking at pictures!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, damnit, I AM going to make it out and see that darn pumpkin house this year!